chapter sixteen

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Harry’s POV

I watched her walk out of the front door in Liam’s arms I don’t think she noticed me watching because they both looked very comfortable in each other’s presence. I stood back and witnessed the whole scene play in my head. I had decided to go out with them all tonight not only to make a mends with people but to act like the bigger man, I couldn’t hide away I knew I would just look pathetic so I had decided it would be best bet to join them out. I didn’t know where we were going but Louis had planned it so I figured we were in for a good night. Everyone walked out the door leaving me and Lou stood alone. I had planned out our conversation in my head going over and over it once again and twice more to make sure I knew what I was going to say, it was just down to Louis to go by the script and answer the way I wanted him to, but the way my life was running at the moment this was very unlikely. Deciding to risk it anyway I coughed deeply Louis snapped his head up towards me glaring.

‘’why are you even coming harry?’’ he spat. I was a little taken back by the way he had spoken to me, this wasn’t Louis unless he was hiding something he never acted like this, he was always the one to say sorry as quick as possible I knew how much he hated arguments, we had never gone this long without speaking before, the longest we had gone was 1 hour and 3 minutes but this had been well over 4 minutes. I told myself that there was more to the reason why he wouldn’t make up with me but I had no idea why.

‘’Lou, why are you doing this?’’ I asked, It didn’t come out at all like I had wanted it to, I wanted my voice to sound stern and concerned but instead I sounded hurt, vulnerable and somewhat scared. He looked at me smirking and scoffed shaking his head and walking out the door. Okay so that didn’t quite go to plan I thought sighing, next person on my list: Liam. I didn’t know what his problem was but ever since we had come to stay with Anna he had been off with me, he hadn’t been ‘daddy direction’ like normal he was just plain old simple Liam I didn’t like him like this we had barely spoken except the very few exchanges of around 2 words ever so often but apart from that it had been silence between us, I hadn’t done anything wrong I mean I don’t think I had? He was normal with the rest of the lads and certainly fine with Anna just not me? I had a gut instinct it could be because I was ‘with’ or at least I thought I was ‘with’ Anna but I just shook that thought off, he wouldn’t like her surely, it certainly wasn’t Liam’s nature and she was ‘mine’ he wouldn’t would he? Millions of thoughts piled up in my head as I sat in the cab everyone was chatty and happy except me I was left out of the conversation, everyone avoiding making any sort of communication with me so I just sat in the corner staring out of the window lost in thought, I could feel eyes on me but I daren’t look around I was scared somebody would start something again, that somebody being Louis. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket confused I took it out and stared at the screen in even more confusion why would she text me? We were in the same car as each other. Anna’s name flashed up on the screen around 100 times before I plucked up the courage to open it.

What are we Harry? What is this because it seems to me like this is nothing like maybe I don’t mean anything to you, I would speak to you but I have been trying to catch your eye this entire car journey but you’re in your own world with the window so when we get there I will meet you at the toilets ok? Anna. X

Wow, so maybe she was bothered but why did she think I didn’t care? Of course I cared; I just hadn’t been with it recently. One thing or another building up to bigger things and then that day it had all blown off the roof. Replaying the day in my head I shuddered at the thought I should have been the one to pick Anna up off the floor, I should have been the one to hold her when we entered the cab, I knew she had been scared I just decided to ignore it, thinking my own problems were more important. Yes I was upset of course I was but my head wasn’t screwed on properly I wasn’t thinking straight and I knew I shouldn’t have treated Anna that way but there was nothing I could do about it. Shaking my head I was annoyed at myself I replied.

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