chapter twelve

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Anna’s POV

I awoke the next morning with sun streaming through a small gap in the black out curtains of my room. Last night had been pretty much uneventful and we had all eventually fell asleep and harry had carried me up to bed and joined me. His arms clung around my waist tightly as he slept. I turned around slowly to look at him he looked so peaceful when he slept, like a baby. He had a little smile on his face and every so often he would mumble a few words. It sounds creepy to say I was watching him sleep but he just looked so worry free I was mesmerised by this vision of beauty in front of me. I slipped out of his tight grasp and slipped into the bathroom quietly. Groaning silently when I stubbed my toe on the door I closed it. Splashing cold water over my hot face I let it slide over my cheeks removing evidence of lasts night crying episode. No crying today. I told myself sternly, telling myself today I would have fun. Brushing my teeth and tying my long blonde hair back into a scruffy bun on top of my hair I grabbed my Hollister hoodie, pulled it on over my bare arms and left my legs on show just wearing my polka dotted pyjama pants. I was quite impressed with my legs they were still brown and golden from the holiday I had been on so I thought no need in covering them up. Leaving the bathroom I padded quietly past harry, still sleeping silently in the bed and went downstairs. Jumping in the lift I made my way into the kitchen to be greeted by Molly and Louis. I flicked the kettle on before jumping up onto the breakfast bar.

‘’morning’’ I yawned. Catching Louis giving me the ‘are you ok’ look I nodded at him and smiled.

‘’didn’t know you were here molly’’ I questioned smiling at her.

‘’oh yea, Zayn rang last night and asked me to come. I hope you don’t mind’’ she smiled sweetly.

‘’no no of course not’’ I grinned. ‘’it’s nice to see you again’’.

‘’you to’’ she replied, ‘’toast?’’ she asked pulling out a few slices of bread.

‘’please’’ I nodded.

‘’Lou?’’ she asked. He nodded gratefully grinning at her.

‘’So I heard about last night how are you?’’ she asked a little more gently and sensitively on this subject, both pairs of eyes were on me now as I gulped.

‘’I’m okay’’ I whispered slightly smiling. Louis walked over and wrapped his warm arms around me rubbing my back.

‘’thank you for last night’’ I gulped into his chest.

‘’don’t worry about it’’ he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I loved Louis I really did, I could count on him for anything he was a real gentlemen. A real nice boy. I pulled away and walked over to the kettle, his eyes bored into the back of my head.

‘’tea?’’ I asked grinning knowing the answer already.

‘’yes please’’ he grinned back. I nodded.

‘’molly?’’ I asked. She shook her head.

‘’no thanks, pure orange for me’’ she smiled holding up the glass she held in her petit hand. I just nodded grabbing 2 mugs out of the overly large oak cupboard and dropping a tea bag into each of them and added 2 sugars to both. Mixing in the water I added milk before discarding the tea bag and handing one mug to Lou whilst cradling the steaming mug in my other hand. Wrapping both hands around the hot cup, it felt nice. The hotness against my cold skin. It was then that I realised how cold I actually was, my bare feet were frozen against the cold tiles underneath my cool skin. Placing the mug on the side I skipped over to the utility room grabbing a pair of matching socks I pulled them on. Walking back in to be met with Liam now in the room sat where I had sat not long ago with a mug of steaming coffee in his hand his eyes scanning the paper in front of him. He sensed me stood there his eyes fixed on mine for a second or two, he looked worried.

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