chapter fifteen

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Anna’s POV

The rest of the car journey to the shopping centre went so slowly, it was the longest car journey I had ever endured. All you could hear was the sigh coming from Harry every so often or the sound of heavy breathing escaping Niall’s lips as he slept. I had tried to fall asleep on Liam’s shoulder but I just couldn’t, I had to much running through my brain.

Why had Louis reacted like that? Why was Liam all of a sudden admitting underlying feelings for me? Why didn’t Harry help me when I had needed him to? Why was Liam quick to have a go at the press? And the list of un answered questions just went on and on and on. Sighing heavily I closed my eyes once more to attempt to sleep, It was near enough impossible. But still even with people thinking I was asleep nobody said a word you could of heard a pin drop it was the most torturous silence I had ever encountered and I didn’t like it, not one little bit. When the car eventually came to a halt everyone dived out quickly releasing themselves from the awkward tension. I however stayed back a little and turned to Paul our car driver.

‘’Paul..’’ I started looking at him, he smiled making me feel a little more on ease. ‘’I’m really sorry you had to hear all of that, it shouldn’t of happened but I guess we all lost it?’’ I said looking apologetically at him. He held his hands up in a sort of surrendering way.

‘’come on now lass, it’s fine. It needed to be said, I wasn’t going to stand back and let them treat you like that so I’m glad that Liam did. Just don’t be shocked at what comes next’’ he smiled. Before I could butt in he opened his mouth ‘’ now Anna I must be off, got to pick up some Starbucks for your aunt’’ I nodded.

‘’thanks for bringing us’’ I jumped out and waved him off, I felt a pair of arms swing over my shoulders looking up to see Louis smiling down at me.

‘’hey, what was all that about?’’ he questioned looking worried. I laughed,

‘’I had to apologise for that in there didn’t i? well somebody had to do it’’ I laughed pushing his chest a little. He grinned, an evil glint in his eyes as he held up his fingers and curled them up.

‘’now Anna, wouldn’t want me to tickle you would you?’’ he grinned god he knew how to wind me up. Tickling was the worst thing you could do to me, I once gave someone a black eye because they wouldn’t stop tickling me so I just kicked them full pelt straight in the eye. I chuckled at this thought, glancing at a confused looking Lou.

‘’oh I don’t think that’s a good idea’’ I grinned evily. He took a step forward, so I mirrored his actions but instead took a step back. Repeating it until I ended up backed into a wall he lifted his fingers again.

‘’I might just have to risk it’’ he smirked gripping hold of my sides tightly. I squirmed and screamed at his touch but his grip was over powering I had no chance against his hold. I wriggled and screamed laughing the hole time as he continued to tickle me, it was hilarious. People were walking past glaring at us like we were scum well we only found this even more amusing he seemed to get fed up of me trying to jump out of his arms so picking me up and slung me over his shoulder, I noticed harry staring at us he looked very jealous Lou noticed to because he began tickling me running around in circles like a headless chicken, I was nearly wetting myself laughing banging down on his back.

‘’Lou put me down!’’ I said as sternly as I could trying to denominate him but it didn’t work he just gave me the ‘as if’ look and ran through the street towards the indoor shopping centre. I was laughing hysterically all the way until we reached the others when he dropped me into Liam’s arms with a bump. Liam caught me expertly and winked.

‘’having fun?’’ he chuckled smirking.

‘’no’’ I pouted. Everyone bursting into laughter Harry stood there like the third wheel. He muttered something along the lines of ‘I’m going home’ before turning on his heel and walking quickly out of the doors. I grinned at everyone else who seemed relieved that he was gone.

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