chapter fourteen

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Louis’ POV                       

I was so annoyed at our fans they had acted in ways I never ever thought they would I was seriously angry they had been so selfish and inconsiderate, Anna had been pushed to the floor in her state. I clenched my fist in anger the blood pumping through my veins that were poking through my skin. I ran my fingers through my styled hair, my breathing was short and quick and I felt ready to explode. Anger and frustration was taking over me, those reporters would do anything for a story but this was too much, they had hurt Anna, they had hurt our little angel and I loved her dearly I felt like I had taken in the role of her big brother I wanted to care for her and what these reporters had done was just out of order.

‘’calm down Lou’’ harry said sternly shaking my shoulder a little. I looked at him and just glared, how can he act like he’s not bothered about the whole situation Anna was supposed to be his girlfriend for god sake and he was acting like he couldn’t care less. Little Anna had to go through the shock of the whole attack and then this with the paps, I was infuriated I silently applauded Liam for his outburst earlier with everyone when he had shouted everybody had backed off a little but not fully looking over at him I noticed he looked a little upset about it all, not angry but sad and then I noticed a little tear trickle down his cheek. Whys he crying? I wondered silently snapping my head to look at Anna she didn’t look to bothered by the whole incident but instead was staring at Liam sadly, perhaps she knew what was the matter with him making a note in my mind to ask her later. I looked at Harry who was smiling broadly. I glared at him he noticed me staring and grinned widely.

‘’how can you be so calm about this?’’ I spat raising my voice slightly to show my aggression.

‘’what do you mean?’’ he questioned raising his eye brows slightly.

‘’THIS HARRY! SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND YOU’VE DONE NOTHING TO HELP THIS WHOLE DISASTER. YOU SHOULD BE HOLDING HER AND TELLING HER ITS OKAY YOU SHOULD BE THANKING LIAM OVER AND OVER FOR SHOUTING AT THEM BECAUSE I TELL YOU WHAT IF SHE WAS MINE I WOULD BE!’’ I screamed throwing my arms in the air to emphasise. By now everyone was looking at me wide eyed but Anna sat looking at her hands in her lap twiddling her thumbs. I reached over and squeezed her knee. She smiled weakly before looking back down. I glared at harry in disgust.

‘’Don’t Lou’’ he grimaced.

‘’WHT NOT HARRY? WHY NOT BECAUSE YOU CLEARLY DON’T CARE I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!’’ I almost screamed the roof off the cab. Everybody winced at the sound of my raised voice. ‘’you don’t deserve her’’  I muttered under my breathe, normally I would instantly regret saying something like this but I didn’t, it was true he didn’t deserve her he had acted like a complete and utter prick and right now I couldn’t stand the sight of him.

‘’I can’t believe you just said that’’ harry spat at me, his face red with embarrassment and anger.

‘’WHAT WHY NOT HARRY? YOU DON’T DESERVE HER AND I MEAN THAT!’’ I shouted raising my hand but Zayn pulled my hand back down, restraining me with all his strength I struggled against his grasp wanting to take my anger out on him fully but Zayn wouldn’t allow it.

‘’no Lou don’t make this any worse than it is’’ he said, looking at me sternly. I gave up fighting against him and slumped down into my chair. an awkward silence filled the cab as we all sat there unsure of what to say. Anna broke it.

‘’he’s right harry’’ she whispered keeping her eyes on the floor.

‘’what?’’ he said glaring at her burning holes into the side of her head.

‘’you havn’t cared, liam has and Louis has they acted like they cared for me. Liam picked me up off the floor not you, it should have been you’’ she sighed shaking her head in disappointment before moving out of her seat next to Harry and sitting next to Liam.

‘’So what you’re picking him over me now then?’’ he scoffed. I glared at him, how could he be so selfish.

‘’no actually, im sitting with someone who clearly gives a shit!’’ she spat. Staring at him, her eyes no longer held the sparkle in them but instead were dull and lifeless.

‘’fine, do what you want’’ he glared giving her the filthiest look ever.

‘’harry’’ she started sighing. She looked sad.

‘’no!’’ he interrupted ‘’don’t say anything you’ve made your priorities clear’’ he shouted making her jump a little.

‘’and so have you’’ she muttered. Harry just rolled his eyes and scoffed. Liam slipped his arm around her waist discretely and gave it a little squeeze making her smile a little. Harry looked  around at the rest of us, nobody spoke. He glared at us looking at me a while longer.

‘’this is all your fault’’ he said shaking his head.

‘’oh no harry, this is your own doing’’ I scoffed turning my back to him. I looked at molly, she looked distraught never witnessing anything like it, Zayn had her wrapped tightly in his arms rocking her gently her face hidden in his torso. Niall was just sat there speechless and Niall was never speechless it must have been a shock to him. He gulped a little, the awkward silence settling in once again as we drove for the shopping centre. I looked over at Liam I’m not sure why but I did he was looking at Anna who was resting her head on his shoulder closed eyes. He couldn’t see her looking but he was, his eyes were full of lust and he kept looking at her lips as if he wanted to kiss her, this confused me. Liam didn’t feel this way did he? He couldn’t surely. He was looking at her in a different way to how he normally does, he pulled her in tighter kissing her forehead and playing with her locks.

Does he feel for her?

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