chapter eight

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Harrys pov.

I kind of just sat there cradling here in my arms, as she told me the life changing story she had encountered I felt my whole body tense up at every single word, my mind going into overdrive. I didn’t know what to do, what to say, this poor girl that lay heart broken in my arms had been through so much and everybody was acting like everything was ok. I guess Simon and Mrs Cowell were trying to get over it, hide their emotions but Anna had seemed to take a different approach she just didn’t want to let go of her beloved brother. She must of adored him, her face lit up almost when she spoke about him, but at the thought of what happened she began to cry again. I didn’t say anything, I just held her and tight. I couldn’t care less that she was drenching my t shirt with her tears, I just wanted to make her feel okay. I held her in my tight embrace cradling her in my strong arms hushing her, planting little kisses on her head. She must have felt so alone. She had been through so much. Of course, know it all became clear. Everytime family was mentioned to simon he seemed to tense up, but me and the boys never thought anything of it, but now I realised, it was because of this. Anna’s sobs had came to a stop as she fell asleep silently in my arms, I remained hugging her, too afraid to let go. I finally pulled myself away placing her in her bed and leaving her to sleep, kissing her nose I left her. I opened the door of her balcony slightly to let some air into the stuffy room before slipping out to go and join the boys. Oh what a mistake that was.

Anna’s pov.

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. I awoke to this sound. Opening my eyes slightly I regretted it, I winced at the harsh white light that surrounded me. Where was I? I could hear people bustling around me but I couldn’t see them. This frustrated me. Bracing myself I opened my eyes slightly, harry stood at the other side of the white room talking to somebody in a police uniform. What? I thought. I tried to move my hand to massage my throbbing temples. But I couldn’t physically do it. Wires stuck out of me left right and centre my arms weighed down at my sides.  I was in pain, my body felt like it was non existent I ached all over, purple and yellow bruises were forming all over my arms and my chest was killing me like a thousand pins being stabbed in me everytime I breathed in and out. I tried to sit up crying out in pain as I did so. Harry turned around instantly running to my side.

‘’Anna, thank god your awake’’ I thought I’d lost you he cried, letting tears drop onto my hand as he held it, tight. I could hardly breathe, my throat was dry.

‘’wate-‘’ I managed to croke out. Harry just simply nodded and poured me a glass of water holiding it up to my lips I took a long sip. Feeling a little better I cleared my throat and turned to face a very sad harry.

‘’harry, what happened?’’ I whispered. Tears forming in my eyes and I cried in pain.

‘’he happened’’ he almost spat. I moved again by mistake, screaming out in pain, harry panicked pressing the red button that was next to me. I was screaming by this point. My chest felt like it was being ripped out of me. I cried and cried, people came running into my room, ordering harry out. I screamed out his name, and he smiled blowing he a kiss before leaving me in the room alone, in so much pain. People ran around me attaching more wires and inserting numerous needles into me. I felt faint, my body began to shake. I couldn’t control it I could hear loud sobs outside of the isolated room. My body continued to bounce off the bed, I couldn’t do anything about it. My hands were shaking everywhere as my body carried on shaking. I felt like I was throwing my self around the bed but I wasn’t well I wasn’t personally it was just happening, people were trying to pin me down, straddling me but it was no use. I remember a sharp pain in my arm and then everything was black.

Anna’s pov (her dream, she’s watching herself in it. Omniscient)

I watched a girl lie in bed, the low breeze wafting her blonde hair gently ever so often, her eyes flickering. Her chest rising and falling deeply as she slept peacefully with a small smile on she face,l she looked happy for once in her life. A bigger draft entered the room, causing her to shiver. I don’t know what was going on, I was watching a girl? But how.  In the middle of the patio door way stood a shadowed figure, built like a man, big built shoulders and a very toned torso. He had a hood over his hair making it hard for me to work out who this man was that was in the room whilst she slept. He walked over to where she lay quickly but quietly taking what looked to be a rope out of his bag that slung over his shoulder. What was he doing? I asked myself. He placed the rope around the girls kneck and pulled tightly causing her eyes to open in alarm as she opened her mouth to try and scream but nothing came out, she was struggling throwing herself around the bed as the man pulled tighter and tighter the girls face turned a slight shade of purple, she let out a loud piercing scream before falling unconscious under the mans grip. She lay lifeless on the floor as the man kicked her continuously all over her body, jumping on her, standing all over her and punching her. He picked up a kettle that was in the room by the kitchen unit. Hang on, this is my room. I suddenly realised, is this me? I asked myself. The girl had my hair, and was in my room. Blood poured out of her body. And the man began to boil the kettle. No no no, please no. I cried silently wanting this image out of my head. The click of the kettle went off indicating it was boiled. He swiftly moved over to it taking it under his powerful grip before pouring the scolding water of the girls face. He then moved away, looking at his handy work, smirking. I have seen him somewhere before I told myself.

‘’that’s for ruining my sons life’’ he spat. Kicking her limp body before fleeing the room without a second glance. 

Harry’s POV

I sat next to anna as she threw herself around the hospital bed, she was dreaming. But I wasn’t aloud to wake her up. Doctors’ orders, she had lost her memory and the only way it would come back is dreams. She thrashed around in her sleep, her piercing screams echoing the room. Tears rolled down my sodden cheeks, this was my fault I shouldn’t have left her, the picture of her lay in her room haunted me, I had found her when I went to go and close the patio door. She had been lay in her room on the floor, her face was burnt and flared up, blistering extremely badly, blood covered her and she had a big purple rope mark right the way round her neck, she was unconscious her face still purple. An even louder scream startled me out of my horrible thought as she sat up very quickly fear in her eyes, she was crying now, very loudly, her sobs where heart breaking. I sighed.

‘’ shhhh anna its ok’’ I cried. I couldn’t believe it. This was my fault.

‘’ what happened?’’ I asked? Knowing the answer already.

‘’n-n-nothing, I don’t want to talk about it’’ she stuttered, I sighed and nodded. This was my fault, all my fault.

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