chapter eighteen

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Harry’s POV

The night was amazing it couldn’t have gone any better I was so happy me and Anna were finally on good terms but I still had to tell her why I hadn’t looked after her that day I’ll leave it for another day I told myself deciding not to ruin the night with my problems it’ll only scare and upset her anyway and I don’t want to ruin the night I assured myself I was making the right decision. Looking around everybody looked so peaceful and happy finally everything was back to normal well most things Anna had gone to get some drinks and left me sat at the table alone whilst the others danced I didn’t mind it gave me time to think to appreciate my surroundings and be happy for once in my life but I always had that one thing at the back of my mind that one thing that wasn’t going anywhere for a while not till it was sorted anyway. I could sense somebody’s presence behind me, I felt eyes burning into the back of my head, I turned sharply trying to figure out who it was but all I could see was Anna lent over the bar waiting for our drinks. Stop being so stupid harry he is not here. I told myself over and over again but I couldn’t set my mind at ease I could feel his presence I could have sworn I felt a warm breathe mingling over my neck but I daren’t look around in fear of him being there. I suddenly felt a wave of fear overcome me and I started to shake violently from head to toe. All out of a sudden I stopped, the weird tingling sensation on my neck had passed and by m feet sat a piece of crumpled up paper, I had felt it hit my foot but not really seen it. Cautiously picking it up I unfolded it the blood from my face contracting further and further back into my face leaving me white as a ghost as I read the words in front of me. The paper shook as my hands did I finally dropped it to the floor not in control of any of my actions I couldn’t control myself I was just a shook up mess sat on a chair. In front of me those all-important terrifying words that would haunt me forever. I picked the paper up quickly not wanting anyone else to see it and counted to ten taking deep breathes as I did so to steady my nerves. I felt somebody behind me again but quickly regained my composure when I heard her voice.

‘’here you go handsome’’ Anna smiled placing a glass of champagne in front of me. I took it gratefully swigging half of it to steady my nerves that were creeping back I was scared because Anna was with me, I was scared for her safety not my own.

‘’harry are you ok?’’ she asked she sounded concerned hurt almost but when I smiled at her she turned back to her happy jolly self.

‘’I’m fine’’ I reassured her.

I lied.

The rest of the night went perfectly I didn’t feel un easy at any point he’s gone for a while now at least for tonight anyway I told myself I was adamant not to worry it wasn’t worth it atleast right now it wasn’t worth it anyway. We decided it was about time we made our way home now it was nearing 2:30am everybody was getting tired.

‘’girls you can stay over if you like’’ Anna offered I smiled I loved how generous she was, always putting herself out in aid of helping others. Eleanor and Lucy grinned.

‘’only if your sure’’ they both said in sync I laughed along with the others in unision.

‘’of course’’ Anna exclaimed ‘’perhaps tomorrow should be a movie day in the cinema room?’’ she grinned at our shocked faces.

‘’cinema room?’’ Liam questioned. She nodded.

‘’it’s in the basement you goons! I’m surprised you haven’t been exploring’’ she grinned wickedly.

We fell through the front door of her house dumping everything in the hall and on the stairs leaving our shoes by the door, the girls all complaining about the heels wrecking their feet. I chuckled the things they do to be a little taller I laughed to myself but I wasn’t complaining I loved how elegant they made Anna’s slender legs look and they made them look longer and sexier I didn’t mind her wearing them. We all ran upstairs to take showers and get changed all planning on crashing in the living room so we could all be together me and Anna decided to change in her room. She went into the en suite for a quick shower I took off my jacket and emptied my blazer pockets. I came across the piece of paper again sighing I took in every letter that was written in italics neatly.

I’m watching you all young one, don’t be scared to be too careful you need to take all the precautions you can. We will finish her off, I promise you that. Oh and the little blonde looks rather pretty too, perhaps Niall is it? Wouldn’t mind sharing her with us. See you soon harry.

I cringed I couldn’t stand the thought of Anna being taken away and he was planning on taking Lucy as well? Well I couldn’t let that happen. Of course this person was not a mystery to me I knew who he was but it just wasn’t the right time to come out and tell everybody about him. I realised the lads would need to know soon because we needed to protect our girls but I couldn’t scare Anna any more. Tomorrow I decided I will tell them tomorrow. Quickly changing I waited for Anna so we could join the others downstairs.

She came out of the bathroom in her spotty pyjama shorts and a vest top, I winked and she covered herself up by smothering herself in one of my jack wills hoodies. I smiled I loved it when she wore my clothes, made her look all cute. She leant in for a hug, I engulfed her in a huge hug smelling her sweet fruity smell and kissed the top of her head lightly, she shuffled underneath me before jumping and locking her feet behind my back locking them together to prevent her falling whilst I held her. She rested her forehead against my own sighing I looked into hr bright blue crystallised orbs taking in every single twinkle of mystery they held in them so carefully. She did the same with me staring at me full of happiness. She leant forward and closed her eyes, I mirrored her all to noticeable movements and captured her lips in mine she pulled away briefly stroking my face.

‘’I missed you yano’’ she whispered, barely hear able to the human ear but I knew she’d said it, I never took my eyes of her perfect plump lips, not for a second I never stopped looking at her, never for a second was I not mesmerised by her natural beauty all her flaws intrigued me, everything about her drew me in and that’s when I knew it. I loved her, I couldn’t go a day without thinking about her and all the time I wanted her to be in my arms so I could hold her and never let go.

 I loved the way her long blonde hair always managed to shine brightly glistening when it caught the light, I loved the way she always smelt fruity and clean, I loved the way her smile could brighten up a room of dull faces, I loved the way she blushed crimson red when I complemented her, I loved the way she’d pick her self back up after a fall back, I loved the way she tried not to let little things get to her, I loved the way her little nose screwed up at the thought of something she didn’t like, I loved the way her eyes were so blue that they would make the sea look less blue, I loved the way her eyebrows would furrow when she was confused I loved how strong she was I loved how she had been through so much in her life but yet still had the courage to come out and say yes I am me. I loved the way she believed her brother was with her the whole time I loved the way she managed to hold herself together in the most hard situations ever I loved the way she could hide her feelings by flashing her perfect white smile I loved the way she could bring herself up from the worst things ever I loved the way she put others problems infront of her own I loved the way she would make people feel better instantly I loved how insecure she was, I loved her laugh, I loved her personality, to be honest I didn’t love her I was in love with her, madly in love and right at that very moment it would be near on impossible to fall out of it.

I love her, I love her, I love her. Tell her harry. I told myself, I didn’t want her to run a mile if I told her.

Anna’s POV

I loved Harry, I knew I did I just couldn’t bring my self to tell him in fear of him running as far away as possible. I just loved the way he would tower over me and pick me up to kiss me, I loved the way his curls bounced when he walked, I loved his never ending torso, his bright green orbs that drew me in so far that I couldn’t get away from his gaze, I loved the way I couldn’t do anything without comparing It to him, I loved the way when he smiled his dimples showed through making him look the cutest, I loved the way he could smile at me and all my deepest darkest and scariest problems would disappear, I loved the way he treated me like I was the only girl in the world, like a princess, I loved the way I could never tell what he was thinking, I loved how when he would concentrate he would stick the tip of his tongue out, I loved how immature he was and his larry bromance. I loved him from the bottom of my heart. The only thing I had a problem with is that I knew he was hiding something from me. And that something I knew I wouldn’t find out anytime soon. 

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