chapter twenty two

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Anna’s POV

Of course I wasn’t gone, I had fainted. For the second time in the past week I awoke in a hospital bed, the sound of beeping drowning out my ears of any other noise as my heart monitor beeped incredibly fast indicating I had awoken.

‘’OMG I’m so glad you’re okay!’’ cried Louis as he charged into my room knocking over a bin in his mad run towards me, however this didn’t stop him he ran straight at me diving on me and engulfing me in a huge hug. Forgetting I had about a billion wires attached to me left right and centre.

‘’I was so worried angel’’ he said, the sound of his voice cracking as he hid his face in my messed up hair.

‘’I’m ok’’ I chuckled.



Oh my fucking god.


‘’how’s harry?’’ I managed to croak out without bursting into fits of tears there and then at the tortuous memory of him plummeting out of sight. I shuddered not to sure if I was ready for the answer.

‘’he’s okay, he’s getting better. You have been out of it for 2 days’’ he laughed ruffling my hair playfully before smacking me on the arm jokingly.


Not only had I been passed out looking like death for 2 whole days, I had missed my boyfriend waking up after nearly killing himself and I still hadn’t seen him.

‘’I need to see him’’ I said, trying to push Louis off me and jump out of bed. But no. Louis was having none of it, his face turned from happiness and cheek to stone cold pissed off.

‘’I don’t think that’s a very good idea babe’’ he sighed, shaking his head and looking at his lap.

‘’uhm why?, he just nearly died I need to see him’’ I insisted throwing my arms around to emphasise. Louis flinched at the tone of my voice before looking at me sadly shaking his head.

‘’you cant’’ he said simply avoiding any sort of eye contact. I glared at him.

If only looks could kill, this boy would surely be dead by now.

‘’why?’’ I said through gritted teeth.

‘’well b-because well’’ he stuttered.

‘’spit it out lou!’’ I spat my face turning red with anger.

‘’he doesn’t want to see you’’ he managed to get out before looking at me. I wasn’t mad anymore, I was confused I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart at least 10 times with a knife. My own boyfriend didn’t want to see me. Me his girlfriend he didn’t want to see me, I couldn’t figure it out. My whole body ached my eyes when blurry with tears as they started to stream down my sticky cheeks.

‘’w-what?’’ I croaked my voice cracking at every letter.

‘’I don’t know Anna but he point blank refuses to see you, every time somebody ever mentions your name he stiffens up and refuses to talk to us. He wants nothing to do with you’’ he said a small tear dropping out of his left eye. He looked as upset about the whole ordeal as I was. I shook my head frantically.

‘’no no no no no no no Louis!’’ I cried, not wanting to register the fact that he didn’t want me.

‘’I need to see him’’ I cried diving out of bed and making a bee line for the door without looking back I ran as fast as I could barging through the door. Luckily it was empty all I could see was his mass of curls spread out on the pillow he turned around at my entry his face turning to horror when he saw me stood at the door.

‘’go away’’ he spat. I shook my head and walked forward slowly.

‘’why harry why?’’ I asked looking at him tears beginning to appear again.

‘’you cheated on me’’ he said, glaring at me as he spoke through gritted teeth. I didn’t know what to say. He knew about me and liam, he knew about our kiss, he knew that I had left him that night for liam and then returned. My face turned white with shock as I tried to take in what he had just said to me.

Fuck my shit life.

 I cursed myself so much right at that moment. I stared at him in terror.

‘’i- i-I’’ but I was stopped by Louis running through the door.

Thank fuck I’m saved I thought. It was obvious he felt the thick tension in the air, I mean you could literally cut it with a knife. It was awful. I couldn’t hear him speaking to me. I was just shaking I sat down at the far side of the room pulling my legs up under my chin not daring to gain any sort of contact with harry I was shaking really badly my hands I couldn’t see properly for them moving. I was crying so much I started to make noises. I was sobbing. What was I supposed to do.

‘’what have you said harry? What have you done?’’ Louis fired questions at a fuming harry.

‘’maybe you should ask her that’’ he screamed making me jump and flee the room. Ignoring the calls from Louis I kept running, until I came to a dead end. Slipping through the door I saw somebody I really did not want to see.

Oh my god.

It was him.

He was here.

Oh my fucking god.

Anna run.

And that’s what I did.

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