chapter twenty five

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Anna’s POV

I didn’t even have to listen to what he was about to say without knowing something had happened. I had to sit there and watch my world cave in once again, knowing that perhaps I wasn’t meant to be here, maybe somebody out there was just willing to do anything to ruin me. Utterly and completely ruin me and my shit life. Louis began to clear his throat letting me know he was going to tell me exactly what had happened with the love of my life. Me and harry might have been on bad terms but he was still everything I had and everything I wanted. I breathed in and out attempting to calm my nerves as he began.

‘’he tried again, he tried to commit suicide. I and the boys had gone out, we came back and couldn’t find him anywhere, we were running around when we heard muttering coming from his room. He had locked the door so Zayn had to knock it down. He was talking to himself saying things like ‘it’s all my fault’ and stuff and then he wandered over to the balcony and stood on the wall of it pulling himself over the bars so he was stood on the small ledge. I panicked Anna I was screaming begging him not to jump promising I would make sure you were okay but he wouldn’t listen my heart was in my mouth the whole time as I watched him. We could do nothing liam went up to him and managed to coax him back into the house. I’ve not left his side until today when he made me come and see you, he’s been so worried Anna, I was in his room and I found this letter, it said some awful things on it like ‘ we will get her this time’ it’s obvious it’s about you and were so worried that maybe he will get you. Harry cry’s himself to sleep, screaming into his pillow and none of us can sit there and do nothing so I came to see you, I couldn’t live not knowing how you were Anna’’ he finished, a small tear trickling down his brown cheeks dropping off his perfect jaw line before landing on the shiny black surface.

I was speechless yet again harry had attempted to kill himself and once again because of me. I knew I had to see him; I wouldn’t be able to rest without sorting all this out. Nodding at my plan I turned to Louis seeing him smiling at me as I smiled at him.

‘’I need to see him’’ I said, not really giving Louis a chance to say whether it was okay I kind of just demanded it.

‘’I was hoping you’d say that’’ he grinned. ‘’he needs you Anna, know more than ever’’ he smiled gratefully.

‘’now go and get yourself sorted and we will go’’ he said jumping up off the red stool and making his way to the living room, he fell down onto the couch making himself comfy slipping his feet up onto the coffee table and switching on the TV making himself at home I smiled. He knew exactly how to cheer me up.

Feeling a lot better than I had earlier that morning I ran up the stairs taking them 2 at a time I bounded into my room, running for the shower. It was the first time I had come up into my room in ages, pushing past the nerves in my stomach I switched on the shower running back into my room and for the balcony door. Feeling extremely paranoid I locked both of the doors and locked my bedroom door, you can never be too safe in my situation. Feeling a little more at ease I walked into the bathroom, stripping off my clothes I jumped in. Letting the boiling water slide over my delicate body I could think here without being interrupted by anybody. I was going to see harry, I was going to sort things out and I wanted to feel better. I scrubbed over my body multiple times freeing myself from the dirt and grease that had gathered over me. Doing the same with my hair I ran a razor over my legs quickly. Feeling satisfied I jumped out feeling really fresh and clean. I brushed my teeth and ran some moisturiser over my face and body I walked into my wardrobe. Pulling out my blue skinny high wasted jeans and tucking in a pale pink vest top I slipped on some socks and pulled on my white convers tying them up expertly I slipped on a black blazer from Hollister. Turning to the mirror I dried my hair quickly piling it up on top of my head in a messy bun not wanting to make too much of an effort I covered my dark circles with a little concealer and brushed some bronzer over my cheek bones, brushing a light coat of mascara over my lashes I looked at my reflection realising it was probably the best I would look I grabbed my phone and made my way back to Louis.

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