Chapter 3

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Daniel P.O.V

We instantly pulled away,and joey had a confused look on his face.

?-Daniel,babe where are you!

Daniel-be right there wait for me outside!

Joey-I thought you like me ,it's always fun in games

Joey came out of the stall running out of the bathroom crying,fuccccccckkkk,now I will never have a chance with him .I got out the stall ,out the bathroom to see my boyfriend David (I just came up with that name because of once a upon a time ,you will get it if you watch the show)

Daniel-what up

He is  so annoying but I still love him

David -so do you want to come over to my apartment to night(there in college they live with no one and if you get a little confused like why was Joey's Mom in the beginning of the story she was visiting)

Daniel-I can't have to study 

I could feel my self getting paler,and sweating 

David -Oh yeah um, who was that guy that ran past me crying he looks like loser,am right

He got cut of bye the bell ,thank god.

Daniel-bye tell you later , love you.

I went to go to my classes and I walked bye joey, I felt bad for him, and I really do like him a lot.

                                                   End of the day (also last day of school for spring break)

I went out side to the parking lot and saw Joey,I ran to him with hope that he could forgive me.

Daniel-Joey, wait can we talk


Daniel-ummm am sor-

I was cut of bye my phone ,David .

Daniel-maybe you could come over at my apartment,and we can talk.

Joey-sure text me the address 

Daniel-ok, come at 8:30


He went in his car and drove of to the distance.

Joey P.O.V

I went in my  car and drove to my house.I made it here it is 7:57 I took a shower fixed my hair and put some foundation (for you boys out there that's make up) on.and changed to some black skinny jeans and a cute shirt on. while I was getting ready to go,I thought,wait am I gay.I drove to his house with that  one thought am I gay? I made it to his house.I knocked on the door, He opens it with a grin on his face.omfg his so cute,stop joey he has a boyfriend.I walk in and sit on the couch,Daniel comes to sit with me, with no longer a grin on his face.

Daniel-umm what happen in the bathroom was my bo-

I cut him of.

Joey-was your boyfriend, so you don't like me and you was using me.

Daniel-no it's not like that, can we leave this in the past and forget what happened(just noticed we hit 400+ words yassss) and let's just be friends?

I can't say no to that face

Joey-I will love that,so umm now what.

Daniel- want to watch a movie


Daniel- come with me let's watch it in my room


We went upstairs to his room I sat on the bed he picked the movie.

Joey-I hate scary movies 

Daniel-don't worry I will be right next to you


I said in a soft voice  .through the movie he went to the bathroom for a phone call . He came back from the bathroom and we continued watching the movie we came closer and closer to each other then we leaned in and did a slow yet romantic  kiss and a spark went through or lips we felt like we were in a a protected force field and nobody can break us.(omg 500+ words) but then we pulled away when a person walked through the door. 

Omg cliff hanger I hope you enjoy this chapter if you did please vote and comment and am thinking to do a face revel what do you think . Well anyways good byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

LIKE A FANTASY (book one) Janiel  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now