New story also Q/A

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New story it's a janeil.its called bulletproof just press on my profile/username 

So yeah that all I have to say so let's do a Q/A

1-fav color

Teal that minty teal

2-the last time you cried


3-who was your first kiss

Your mum

4-how old are


5-are you in the LGBT+  Community 

Yes I am Bio


Modeling clay/reading 

7-your fav song currently 

Toxic -Britney Spears 

8-are you a boy or girl

Bitch what you think

9- are you happy right now 

No am pissed at my grandma so am mad

10-what are you doing right now 

If you don't know I say this "Bitch are blind"

11-who do you hate right now

My grandma 

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