Chapter 6

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Omg omg omg thank you so much for the 90 reads and 10 votes that's amazing.I thank you let's get to the story.🤗😘

Daniel 's P.O.V 

Am in the hospital next to joey ,holding his hand and praying that he will survive.Then I look at the computer,his hart rate is going up.not really a good thing.then I see nurses and doctors coming in.every thing is happening so quickly.


Nurse -500


The computer started beeping like crazy.

Doctor-sir can you please exit the room.


I tried to hold back the tears,but bye the time I came out the room tears started coming down like a water fall. Then this nurse comes up to me.

Nurse-dose Joseph Graceffa have any family members.

Daniel-yes but h-his Mom is on a plane ride and idk about his dad.

 Nurse-are you family 

Daniel-no,am just a friend 

Nurse-well am sorry that I have to tell you this but ,Joseph is dead

Nurse-do want to have a word with him

Daniel-yes p-please 

At that point,I ran out of tears to cry out,my life feels point of living.I go to Joey's room 102 to say my good byes.(only 184 words in and he is dead)am in his room holding his hand sitting besides him.

Daniel-I love you Joey.I always did.even if we just meet 2 days ago.your smile brings happiness in my heart.your eyes shine brighter then the stars.every thing about you ,I love .I love you Joey.And I always will.

Joey-I love you too

Daniel-is like I still hear your voice inside my head 

Joey-no silly,am right here

Daniel-omg joey your much did you hear 

Joey-every single bit

Daniel-he's alive!

I yell with joy.Docters start to walk in.with shock.

Doctor-it's a - I don't even know what it is .

Daniel-it's a miracle 

Then I smash my lips into his .it was a perfect kiss.even if it lasted 5 seconds.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter.I will try to do it longer next time.and did you really think I will let joey will kill me.ok well byeeeeeeeeeee

LIKE A FANTASY (book one) Janiel  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now