Chapter 12

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Omg 400 reads that's insane.thank you so much so am going to take a pic of my dog

This was when I was  in NY

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This was when I was  in NY

But I live in LA now .

Daneil p.o.v

(3 days later)

I saw Chris in the hall way and instantly run up to him and push him into the locker.

. Daneil-If you bother ,touch even look at Joey am going to find you and kill you Idc who you are I will do it

I left to my class befor he even responded,he was my best friend  and he betrayed me.

Joey p.o.v

Tomorrow is going to our one month  anniversary , so am going to take him to a really fancy restaurant.Then I hear someone knocking on my I go down and see someone I really did not want to see

X- jo

Befor he could finish I slammed the door Right in his face.Then he starts banging on the door desperate to let him in.So I decided why not so I let him in.

Joey-what the you want,Luke 

Luke-am just want to say am sorry and that I miss you.

Joey-sorry ,nope, am taken

Then  was about to close the door on him he grabbed my hand.

Luke-who are you taken by

Joey-he's name is Daneil preda ,now leave me alone.

Luke-oh ok 

Luke p.o.v

If he's taken by my brother then I definitely need to brake them apart what after Daneil did to me

Starting Tomorrow.

And I know the two perfect people to help me.

Omg am sorry for the short chapter it's just that am not in the  mood Right now.

Omg I just took a little brake and went to my grandmas and the the picture of the dog  ,she got bitten by a much bigger one and she went to the vet to get stitched up poor doggy.

LIKE A FANTASY (book one) Janiel  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now