Chapter 15

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The last chapter was chapter 14 not 12 I think?

Daniel p.o.v

Flash back*

High school

Am in the lunch room with mushroom hair cut

That I hate , I go sit alone Like always

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That I hate , I go sit alone Like brother Luke comes to me with a guy walking behind him.

Luke-this is my boyfriend 



He has brown emo hair and smaller then me.

Luke -and he's my brother

Luke-I was wondering if you could be my ride to tomorrow's dance.

Daniel-why should I ?am not even going inside the house 

Luke-ok fine but,if you agree to be my ride I could bring you inside the party

He said slouching 


Luke-deal,ok bye loser

He walked off with his new boyfriend.he didn't even tell me the name of.

(The next day of the party)

I get in my car and start the engine with Luke in it.he hands me the direction to he's boyfriends house that I don't even know the name of.

(Joeys house)

He gets in and sits one seat away from Luke and stares into the window with sadness in he's eyes but gets stopped by Luke wrapping he's arm around him and pulling him close.

Luke-what happen ,you look pissed at me or something 

Joey-it's nothing

And he shrugs of his arm off of him.

(At the party)

I get out of the car following Luke inside.once we get inside I smell  alcohol , smoke and throw up.You see people grinding on each other on the dance floor,sex on couch and drunk people pasted out on the floors.

Luke-am going to take some shots be right back

Joey-hey do you want to go upstairs and get away from all of this.


We go upstairs and start to talk about random stuff.

(1 hour later)

It's been one hour and I got the courage to ask him he's name.

Daneil-um I have been wondering wh-

I get cut off by him

Joey-omg! Luke it's been a hour and he is still isn't back.

He goes down stairs with me following .

Joey-am going to check these rooms you go check the rest.


I go check the rooms and find nothing I go check the  last room.and find Luke smoking and making out with some dude .I close the door and to make sure i did it quietly.I head off to find the boy.

I bump into him with anxiety.

Daneil-I f-found him

Joey-good !is he okay

Daneil-you don't want to go in there

Joey-why not?

Daneil-um,um uhh

Joey-that what I get out of my way!

He lightly pushes me and head to check the rooms.he comes back with a slightly drunk Luke.

Joey-Stop following me! It's OVER!

Luke-your going to pay for this

He pushes me to the ground and runs off to he's ex

End of flash back

I will be updating tomorrow again don't worry.

Also this is me all  day .

Also this is me all  day

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Yeah ..... any ways byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee also I didn't check this soooo

LIKE A FANTASY (book one) Janiel  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now