Chapter 10

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OMG 300 reads that's insane seriously.I can't thank you enough to celebrate I am going to so happy,and am glad your enjoying the story.😘🤗😋😜😝😛🤤🙄🤧😴🙀😻😽😺🖕🏻

Daneil p.o.v

(Friday 7:00pm)

2 hours to get ready, I put the things am going to where which is; black skinny jeans with a tight light grey shirt. I go to take a shower and think what can possibly go wrong,joey can get kidnap,raped,find some one better then me .no Daneil don't think that way.I got snapped out of my thoughts by the water getting very cold like the maximum ( and I won't let gooooooo ...ok am done.....)


I jump out the water,and turn it off.I tie my towel around my waist . Change ,and get ready to pick up joey.

(Joeys house)

I honk my horn indicating am here.joey walks out the door,I get out the car to greet him .and what I see in front of me is an angel.

Daniel-your a beauty 

Joey-I could say the same myself

I give him a peck  on the lips,and open the door leading to the passenger seat.

(Tyler's house)

Joey knocks on Tyler's door,and Tyler swings the door open with two beer bottles in his hand .

(20 minutes later because am to lazy)

Am sitting in circle,with joey,and some other stranger I think he's name is drunk but not drunk to the point I feel like running butt naked in the streets,but joey in the other hand is drunk to the point where he can't even touch he's nose.

Shane-this is how you play this game ,you spin the bottle and if it lands on a person,you have to kiss the person in the closet and you only have a minute to do so.

Lizzie &joel-ok

Out of no where a drunk Lizzie and Joel joins in.

Lizzie-me first!

She spins the bottle and it lands on Joey.good thing he's gay.

Joey p.o.v

Lizzie, me oh my.I held out my hand for her to grab she leads me to the closet we get in and kiss.

Lizzie-your a good kisser,Daaaaady

Joey-you too I want more.

We kiss for a little longer but the Danny boi opens the door and says "times up" and put his hand between or lips and I just kiss his hand.

Joey-Danny boooooooooooi your turn

Danny-no,you need to get some rest

Joey-your being a big meany

Danny-let's go,get you some water your full on Drunk

Joey-no I could touch my nose see

I try touch my nose but I missed it and poked my eye instead 


Danny-come on

Danny booooooooooooi comes and carry me like a bride.he take me to ty,Ty's room and put me done and try's to take off my pants that have vodka on it.

Joey-heeeeeeeeey am saving my self for marriage,not yet mister preda

Danny-fine am leaving you with Chris one of my friends ok.


Chris -were going to have lots of fun.

Joey-you look like Danny boooooooooooi,take me away


What do you think is going to happen well I sure the way I did NOT grammar or spell check so bare with me.and well goooooood byeeeeeeeeee.

LIKE A FANTASY (book one) Janiel  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now