Chapter 8

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 Guys go check out my new book called "Why Me (janeil fanfic)" just press on my profile.hope you enjoy this chapter.and thank you for all the reads and votes

Daniel p.o.v

I have my arms around joey,legs intertwined.I see a little smile appear on joeys face.I kiss his cheek and get of the bed gently to not wake joey.I brush my teeth,and take a shower listening to toxic Britney Spears.

Daniel-With the taste of your lips am on ride

Then I get cut off by Joey knocking on the door.

Joey-your a good singer

Daneil-oh shut up

I say playfully 

Joey-can I come in I need to pee really bad.

Daneil-can't you hold it for 2min



Joey comes in and I hear him peeing.And feel eyes watching me.

Daneil-take a picture It will last longer.

Joey-I all ready did.

I let out a chuckle.joey gets out the bathroom so I can change.

(At restaurant)

Joeys p.o.v 

Me and Daniel are sitting at our table waiting for our food,and chatting .but then Daniel said something.

Daniel -I can't wait any longer joey,I l-love you and I want you to be am going to ask you this will you be my boyfriend.

Joey-bitch yesssss

Daniel-come here pig

I lean in and kiss him for a good 10 seconds then notice the waiter is right there waiting for us and holding our food.we pull away and stare into each other's eye ,his eyes are full of kindness ,confidence and love.the waiter is standing there awkwardly holding our food and placing it on the table and walk away.

Daniel-well we should eat our food befor it gets cold.


(Back at Daniels apartment)

Joey's p.o.v

We get to his apartment and go to his room.but then I feel something inside of me that I just want to kiss I jump on him put my legs around his waist.And befor he could even say anything I kiss.he instantly starts to kiss back and bite my lip for an entrance I open my mouth just a little.our lips move in sync.he plops me on his bed so he's on top.but then my phone is ringing.I pick it up with daneil kissing my neck in my sweet spot.

(Joey-j Joey's Mom-m)

J-what up Mom

I let out a little moan

M-is everything ok


M-are you with daneil 


Then I pass him the phone.

D-yes Joey's Mom

M-is everything all right 


The daneil slips his hand under my pants and stroke my member.

Then I let out a load moan.

M-are you two have se-

Daneil hangs up then continues kissing my neck then to my lips.

Hey guys hope you like that chapter.should I do sumt idk maybe I shouldn't or should I.any ways please vot and comment if I should do sumt or not and if you have any ideas.and go check out my new book.the name is in the begging of the chapter so see you later alligator.

Bye the way I didn't spell check.

LIKE A FANTASY (book one) Janiel  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now