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Ehehehhehehehehehhahahahahahahaah also shout out to Rainbowpoop and Mixed_storyes Go check them out they have some great Janiel  books.

Also here is a pick of me because like why not

Also here is a pick of me because like why not

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I actually look good for once... 

Joey p.o.v

He point the gun at Daniel and pulls.the.trigger.on himself.that was unexpected.his dead body (poops on down like a big old poop...)falls to the ground and makes a pool of blood.then the police barges in quickly walks down the stairs. starts to take pictures ,putting the bodies in black bags with Daniel holding me tight.the police officer walks towards us and ask us a few questions.we told him Avery thing the happened he gave us a ride home .Daniel stayed at my house we talked and fell asleep  finally falling asleep.

*haulauja it's morning *

I wake up expecting Daniels strong arms around me but he wasn't there I get out of my bed use the bathroom and brush me teeth with the extra tooth brush and went to the kitchen to see Danny boooooooi cooking.

Joey-watcha cooking sweeeetie

Daniel-its a surprise sweeeeeeeeeeeetie

Caring the E even longer.

Daniel-now sho! You pig

He said moving his hand like he was sho'ing a bird

I squealed like a pig and sat on a stool waiting for breakfast.

He finished and staring singing happy birthday and handing me the food

He finished and staring singing happy birthday and handing me the food

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And he also handed me a cookie that was shaped as a pig 

 Joey-aw thank you I love it

And give him a peck on the lips (woodpecker 😉)

Daniel-the best for the best

(After noon)

We was watching the Lion king when I bring up a question kinda.

Joey-I want to drop out of college 



Daniel-yeah why not.I mean we haven't barely been in the school so yeah we should do it

Joey-ok am calling the school 

I finished calling the school

Joey-no more work

Daniel-how are we going to pay the rent

Joey-we could move in together 

And I fiddle with my fingers waiting for an answer

Daniel-sure why not and I could work as a model

And he rolled his eyes


Daniel-how about you



Daniel-and also I wanted to give you this

He takes a   boqet(idk) of flowers with a note 

(I do not take credit of this idea)

Intel (idk how to spell today) the last flower dies I  will stop loving you 

First I was shocked thinking all of them are going to die then I look at the flowers the senterd one was plastic.I was looking at Daniel with an 'awe'

Joey-this is so sweet of you

Daniel-I love you

Joey-te iusbec

And that was the first time I said I love you. (Lets all pretend it was, okay it probably wasn't but let's pretend)

I looked into his eyes he looked into mine and we kissed it felt like we fell in love all over again

Short but sweet am right or am I not.vote and comment good damn bye .

I made this for my bird so he could sleep in it not on me

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I made this for my bird so he could sleep in it not on me .

I didn't check this so just deal with it.boiiiiiii idk what's wrong with me today.

LIKE A FANTASY (book one) Janiel  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now