Chapter 17 idk

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You better work bitch 

Daniel p.o.v

I go upstairs and check to check on Joey.

I knock on the door

No response,I start to knock a little louder and call out his name


No response,that's it am coming in

I go inside and find a note on  the sink ,that has a blood finger print on it and and Luke's name in it also.I open the note and start to read.

 Dear, brother 

I took your  so called boyfriend that you took that was rightfully mine.I left three clues that will help you find out where I am. Good luck not finding him.

From you know who I told you already.

First clue , the food I hated but also the food that you loved and the food that can kill, what am I?

I close the note and start think, the food that he hated but I love and the food that can kill

Well I love peanut butter and he hates it but ....oh omg! Joey is allergic to it.I go down stairs quickly and open the cabinet and grab the peanut butter and open the lid.nothing inside.I take of the pice of paper rolled around it and turn it around to find another clue.

Clue 2# I guess you do really know Joey. Let's see if you know me .Where I always use to run away when mom and dad fight  

He use to run away to so many places how should I know .well he use to run off to the ice cream shop the old ally way and when the fight got intense he use too run to the park like a insane mad man.(the normals make me  feel sane ....ok bye bye)I go outside and take my car .

(10 min later)

I got to the park where he use to run away in.and go to the bench he always use to sit on. I walk towards it and find a note.I open it and find clue 3#

Clue 3# very well, I guess you do know me but do you our mother.where she could escape reality and go into a fantasy 

THE WOODS!dose he think that am that stupid .I take my car and drive to the woods

(5 min later)

I park my car and get out,I start to run to the log she always use to sit on near the lake.I go to the log and see a little hatch near a hut.well am not going in there alone with out back up am going to call the police .then I find a note 

Don't you dare call the police 

Bitch,fuck that am calling the police.

After the call I go into the hatch slowly not trying to make any sound.I slowly walk down the stairs and find Joey tied up .I go run him pull out my pocket Knife and un tie him.

Daniel-are you ok

Joey-yeah just got a cut on my leg ,but could walk

Daniel-are you sure yeah

He stands up ,and right when I was about to leave I feel a gun leaned against my head .I try to get my pocket knife from my pocket but then he ,stops me.

David-hold it right there mister

David-guys come over here ! And so who I fond

Luke and chirs appears out of know

Luke-Shut The Hell UP!

He takes out his gun and killes David.

Chirs-why you did that for !

Luke-you want me to do the same to you!

Chirs-ok damn! 

And puts his hands up in the air.

He turns back around and looks at us.

Daniel-what do want ....Luke 

Joey-you know him?

Luke-oh you don't remember Jospeh, he was the kid in high school mushroom haircut,my brother ......any ways chirs go fetch me a towel 

He nodes and get shot by Luke.

Luke-he was getting annoying .......any ways it's your turn to die

And he points the gun at me and pulls.the.trigger.

Hehehehehehehhehahhahahahhahahah cliiiiifffff hanger.

Thank you for the 600 reads and like 20 votes idk any ways byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Word count 651 I also didn't check this so yeah

LIKE A FANTASY (book one) Janiel  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now