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This story is going to end in chapter 20!and there's a squeal if you want one am going to do one anyways.

3 years later

Daniel p.o.v

LOt of things has changed we now have three dogs wolf ,storm and lark .joey has a YouTube career with 8m on his blogging channel and 2m on his gaming

Am a photographer model and a whole lot other things and now we moved into a big house.am in my car taking joey for dinner for our 4 year anniversary and am going to be proposing.

Daniel-were here

Joey-your a fancy pig aren't you

Daniel-am going to take that as a compliment 

I walk up to the man and say,

Daniel-under the name preda

He nods and grabs two menus and take us to our table.we got to our table we sit down and the man hands us our menu and walks off.

Joey-this amazing,thank you

And he gives me a peck on the lips(woodpecker)

Daniel-best for the best

Joey-so what are you getting 

He asked still looking at his menu

Daniel-shrimp,rice with Avacado 

Joey-am getting,ughhhhh,oh um ,veggies with steak and rice

Daniel-am getting the bloody fog to drink how about you


(After they order and eat like who cares about that )

This is the time when I ask the question I get in front of Joey get in one knee

Daniel-Joseph Micheal Graceffa when I first saw you It was like love at first sight when we hade our first kiss when I asked you if you wanted to be my boyfriend when we said I love you It felt like I was In a Fantasy.You was a prince I was the villager we fell in love now I want you too be my my king.

He covers he's mouth and a single tear drops.I pull out a red box and open it.

Daniel-will you Joseph Michael Graceffa Marry me

Joey-(no bitch bye*flicks invisible hair*) yes! 

He grins happily I do the same .I put the rig on his finger and kiss him while smiling into the kiss and hug him.

Every one starts to clap.

Next chapter is the wedding Ahhhhhhhhhhh can't wait for the ending of the sequel hint hint.vote and comment it will be greatly appreciated and good damn byeeeeeeeee  

LIKE A FANTASY (book one) Janiel  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now