Chapter 11 idk

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Daneil p.o.v

I wake up on the couch ,with a headache.I walk around to see if Joeys anywhere, I don't see him I start calling he's respond.I check the kitchen and see Lizzie sitting on the table holding her forehead,and Joel giving her some pills.

Daneil-hey have you seen Joey anywhere 

Joel&Lizzie- no

Daneil -can you help me find him 


I go walk up stairs to the bedrooms and check Tyler's room if he's there.


I see Tyler in bed with some girl.

Tyler-am gay Idk how this happened 

And put he's hands up.

Tyler-turn around,I need to put some clothes on


I turn around.about a minute later he's done

Tyler-ok what do you need

Daneil-do you know where Joe-

Then I hear Lizzie scream,me and Tyler walk out the room and go to the guest room to find Lizzie next to joey.

Daneil-omg what happened 

Lizzie-I came in and he was like this

Joey was naked and had cut all over him ,bruises on his neck and his body.Theres blood stains on the bed.

Daneil-Joey wake up

Joey-Ahhhh ,don't touch me!

Daneil-its ok ,it's me.

Joey-Daniel,Chris he d-

Daneil-don't worry,I will kill him the next time I see him

Lizzie -Daneil he's bleeding out on he's leg

Daneil-omg ,Tyler go call 911

Then  joey pasted out

Daneil-no ,no ,no ,Joey stay with me


Am getting out of the hospital with Joey.They stitched up the cuts that needed to be stitched and took care of the rest.

Daneil-what did he do to my poor baby.


Daneil-its ok if you don't want to talk about it

Joey-no it's okay,well he raped and if I didn't oblige,he will cut me, well and

Joey p.o.v

I told them about how I got raped and at the end we were all at tears 

Omg it's a update so yeah hope guys like this super shitty chapter.byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 

Also make sure to check out my new book bulletproof,just press on my username/profile 

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