Drum roll please Chapter 12!!!!!

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You guys are going to murder me .am sorry for not updating the thing I didn't have wifi and my dad is drinking I think he is getting better for the last week but then I catch drunk making with a guy.and my mom knows he is cheating and he is gay but , any ways let's get on with the chapter.and I almost forgot thank you for 500 reads!🤗

Daniel p.o.v

I got in my car and put the radio on to see if that helpes me take my mind of Luke.I start the car and a person from the radio starts to talk

NM-David Rey's murder and rapist  escaped prison be safe and lock your doors.

Well that didn't help at all,I put some music on to get thing of my mind.

(Put the music on at the top )

You don't own me

You don't own me

I start to sing along to the song and tap my finger on the wheel.

(Joeys house )

I get out of my car and slowly walk to the door and knock.I hear footsteps coming closer and closer then turning the door knob to reveal Joey standing there looking like he was carved by angels.

Daniel-there's no words to describe how beautiful you look

Joey-I could say the same for you.

Daniel-now where are we going

Joey-its a surprise,and that's why am driving 

Daneil-ok, what ever you say

We get into the car and Joey starts to Drive.

2min later

I keep on noticing the same black car  following us.I try to see who is in the drivers seat but I can't because of my stupid seat belt I slowly take it of so Joey won't ask questions.then I get a peak at the driver and you wouldn't believe who it is.its fucking Luke.I start to get really nervous and breathing heavily and sweating.

Joey-are you all right we could turn around 

Daneil-no it's ok .its just a little hot

Joey-you want me to turn the AC on


(At restaurant)

We come in into the place and hell this place is fancy.

Joey- under the name Graceffa

Man-please follow me

Daneil-you didn't have to do all of this

Joey-but I did

We got to our table it was next to a window to show the beautiful sun set and our table was surrounded bye rose petals taking a form of a heart.

Daneil-this is amazing 

Joey-anything for you

(After they order)

Our food comes , we start to eat and talk about random things and then I thought this is the time to give him the crystal.

Daneil-Joey I need to give something 

Joey-what is it

Daneil-your about to see

I take out the midsize black box with the crystal and open it.

Joey-its beautiful

He hade he's plams to he's face and jaw open.

Joey-how much was it

Daneil-how much was this

Joey-fair enough 

Then we start hear people screaming and gunshots we instantly get under the table and peak to see who it is .its Chirs but there's also David and Luke.

Daneil-no,no,no,no,no,no, this can NOT be happening 

The last thing I reamber was my eyes getting heavy and my head hitting the cold hard floor.

500 words for 500 reads I will be updating again today in the afternoon .anyways good damn byyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

LIKE A FANTASY (book one) Janiel  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now