Chapter 7(I think )

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Joey P.O.V 

2 day later

I stayed at Daniels house for the last to 2 days so he could take care of me. I fully healed my and Daniel don't really talk about what happened in the hospital,or what happened with 'David ' . 

Daneil-come up here please 


I went up the stairs and went to Daniels room.


Daniel-w-well I was thinking if you want to go out with me,for dinner.

He looked down in embarrassment.but then I cuped his face.and gently pushed his head up,so he could be looking at me.

Joey- I will love too

Then I smash my lips into his.It was a  passionate felt different but I just shrugged it of.

Joey-I better go to sleep it's late.

Daniel-you should  sleep on my bed with me tonight.if you want to .

Joey-are you sure?

Daniel-why it's going to be cold tonight.

Joey-ok? if you say so 

I jump in the bed with him and face my back to him.then I feel  Daniels hand slip around my waist and pulling me closer to him.and a kiss placed on my neck,and I could feel a smile crawl up my face.Tommrow is a new day,tomorrow is my date with the boy of my dreams.

So guys this is kind of a filler chapter.sorry it was so chapter is the date,I might update today again.idk because I have to go to someone's sweet 16 .so am going to be really busy so byeeeeeee lots of love .(please comment and vote it take 10 seconds come on just do will mean the world to me)

LIKE A FANTASY (book one) Janiel  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now