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Chapter fourteen
Kristen's POV: it's been a week since I last saw Alli and Charles. I was having so much fun with Mr. King and Lindsey. I helped her vlog and we went on a walk every morning. It was so relaxing not to get yelled at for once. On days off all the guys would come home to be with family so I got so see Danny for a day. Charles calls every day to see how I'm doing and since he is with Alli she also talks to me. They always tell me how much fun tour is. I still don't want to go though. "Kristen sweetie can I speak with you?" I run out of my room to see Danny with Lindsey sitting at the table. "Yea what is it?" "It's about Charles," Danny says sounding worried. "What happened?!" I practically screamed I was scared! "We were playing outside on stage about ten miles away and the bass stopped..." My eyes widened, "continue," I spoke my voice choked. "Kristen, Charles had a seizure..." I sat their with my jaw dropped and my heart pounding. "Is he ok? Any major head injuries?" Danny shakes his head and I sigh with relief. I'm glad he didn't hurt his head. Even though I'm mad at him he still is my father figure and if anything happens to him Alli and I will be torn. "Can I go see him?" Danny sighs. "Maybe later, he has to get x rays and everything." I frown and look up at them. "I wanna go on your with you, Danny." He looks shocked, "are you sure?" I nod. "I feel like I need to go and be there for Alli and Charles." Danny nods in agreement. "We will leave tomorrow, get packed." I thank him and run to my room to get packed. I'm kind of glad I get to see them now. I hope Alli and Charles are ok!
Alli's POV: I'm walking in the long hallways of the hospital trying to waste time when I got a call from Danny.
"Hey Danny, it's Alli."
"Good, I needed to talk to you."
"What? Did Kristen get hurt?!" I've been so panicked lately.
"No Kristen's fine, but she wants to come back with me... Is that ok?"
I nod even though he can't see me. "Yes it's totally fine! Why did she change her mind?"
"She felt like she needed to be there for you and Charles. We will head back tomorrow. See you then."
"Bye!" I say disconnecting the call. I'm so glad Kristen is coming I need to tell Charles now! I run to our room as fast as I can to tell him. "Char!" I yell running into his room. "Al, what's wrong?" "Char Kristen is coming on tour!" His face turned from a worried expression to an excited one. "Really?! I thought she didn't want to come!" "Me too but I'm happy she's coming." I hugged Charles and sat in the seat next to him. "How are you feeling?" I smile and kiss his forehead. "Could be better." He says smiling. "We get to leave soon." I say standing up. "Want any food?" He nods. "Taco!" I grin at him and walk off. I'm so glad Kristen is coming! I grab a taco and a salad for myself and head back to the room when I get a text from Danny saying, 'Kristen was sleeping and fell off of our bed. She said her wrist hurts so we are taking her to the doctors. Call you later.' Oh my... Kristen. I pinch the skin between my eyes and walk to the room."Charles. Kristen fell off of Danny's bed and said her wrist hurt. She probably broke it maybe a sprain." He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Wow. Well it's better than me breaking my wrist." He laughs then leans back. "Taco?" He nods so I bring him his plate and I sit on the end of his bed.
"Alli, I'm ready to leave!" He shouts after eating his taco. "I know me too but we have to make sure your all clear." As I speak the doctor comes in smiling. "Good news! Your free to leave." I smile at the doctor and start signing papers. He unhooks Charles from all the wires and medicine and we head off. I hold Charles' hand as we walk out of the hospital. We are really happy Kristen decided to come we missed her so much! "Alli, I hope Kristen doesn't have to ever experience my seizure." I sigh, "babe, she already did..." He looks at me confused. "What do you mean?" "I mean, you just had one and she experienced it but not personally." He nods in agreement and we get into the car to drive to the bus. Kristen comes tomorrow morning so we have to get a bunk cleaned of for her and some space for her things. When we arrive back at the bus all the guys besides Danny are there and we get welcome back hugs from all of them. "Thanks guys for all of your support throughout this journey!" Charles says into the camera. "Kristen's coming on your with us starting tomorrow. We are all excited, even the guys! Well that was all for today sorry the vlog is short but make sure you like and subscribe!" Charles says to the camera. "️TOODLES!" We shout including the guys. "I'm going to miss this," I say to Charles. "Miss what?" "This," I say looking around, "the guys, you playing bass, even the tour bus! I will miss all of this!" "Me too," he says hugging me, "but now we can spend it with Kristen and the twins." I smile at him and we head off to bed.
Charles had a seizure. But he's ok! Then Kristen got hurt. What should happen next? Message me or comment on here! Also vote and tell your friends! Xoxo

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