New house

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Chapter thirty-nine
Kristen's POV: it's been three days since Alli came home then left. She moved into her house and I'm going over there today. She is coming to pick me up in about an hour. I decided to wake up and get dressed. I grab a random tank top and some shorts. I put on my vans and walk to the living room. "Will Alli be here soon?" Charles nods and closes his computer. "Don't be rude to her ok?" I nod and sit at the table with him. "I mean it Kristen. Don't yell at her or else I might make you stay there always." I turn to glare at him. "What do you mean?" He covers his mouth trying not to laugh. "I'm kidding. Just try being nice ok?" I nod and grab an apple to eat. About and hour later we hear the doorbell ring. "I got it." I say running to the door. I open the door and find Chaz, Anna, and Alli at the door. "Daddy!!" Chaz shouts running to Charles. Anna does the same and they both giggle. I grab my bag that contains my makeup, camera, laptop, and my DS. "Ready to go?" Alli asks me. I shake my head and lean in the walk waiting for the twins. "Kids let's go." Alli says waiting for them to stop hugging Charles. "Bye dad." I say hugging Charles. "See you Sunday night." He says and us kids walk out the door. Alli hugs Charles and says something to him as we leave. She gets the kids in their seat in the back. I get in the front seat and wait till we go. "What's wrong?" Alli asks me when she gets in. "Nothing." I turn to look out of the window. "Liar, what's wrong?" Still facing the window I say, "it won't feel like home. There walnut be a Charles and soon enough there will be a new Charles and you won't be a Trippy." I cross my arms and she speaks, "Chico will be there." I smile that there will be a dog there but I still don't wanna go. It won't be home.
"Kristen wake up. We are here!" Alli says unbuckling the kids. I get out of the car and walk up to the house. It's so tall. I wait for Alli to unlock the door and we all go inside. "I'll show you your room." Alli says leading me to the stairs. "Here it is." She opens the door to a massive room with a bathroom connected and a window view of the pool. "I sleep downstairs and so do the twins. You and a guest sleep upstairs." Alli says and I walk into my room. "This doesn't feel like home, at all." Alli sighs and walks into my room. "I know but you will get used to it. I prom-" "ENOUGH," I yell standing up, "I won't make promises with you EVER AGAIN!! Last time I made a promise you broke it!! You will break this one too!! You lied to me!! I had my hopes up for you coming home for no reason! I hate this whole thing and you making promises that you will break DOES NOT HELP!!" I walk out of my room and walk around the house. Alli follows me from behind yelling at me but I'm not listening. I don't care anymore. She makes promises that she later breaks. I go to the pool and sit down in a chair outside. "Kristen! Didn't your father tell you not to behave like this?!" "Yes but at least he doesn't lie about things!!" "Kristen Trippy! Stop it right now!!" "No!! You stop! You are ruining my life!! You lie to me and break promises left and right!! At least Charles is nice and doesn't lie!! I'm leaving!" I walk back in the house to the front door. I open it then walk outside and slam it. I go to the open car and grab my bag. When I close the car door Alli finally made it through the house and starts following me. "GO AWAY!" I yell and start running. "Five miles to her parents house." I say to myself as I look at my phone for directions. I follow it until I'm out of breath. "Three miles to go." I'm almost there I can do this. I stop to catch my breath and I hear a car pull over behind me. I turn around and see Alli get out of the car. "Kristen, stop please let's just go home and we can decorate your room." Alli says coming closer to me. I back up and speak, "I wanna go home. To my house not yours! I wanna see Charles! I don't wanna live with you in this fake home. It isn't my home and it never will be." I turn around and keep walking. Alli is behind me and she grabs my wrist. "Kristen let's go." I give in and we go to the car. "No use fighting with me cause I will be the one whose right." I say crossing my arms when we get in the car. "No use fighting with me because I'm your mother." I turn to look at her, "no, my mother is dead! All because of the WTK concert! If I didn't go she would still be alive!" I turn toward the window and wait for a response. "Kristen. If she was alive you would probably be getting best right now by here boyfriend! Do you want that?" I face the window still and mumble, "at least they don't lie..." "What did you say?" "Nothing." We rode in silence and when we got to her house I got out and went inside. "Kristen, go to your room." Alli says when she shuts the door. "I don't listen to liars." I say walking to the living room. "Kristen, now! I will call your father." "Do it. I don't care. Make me hate you more." I sit on the couch and pull out my phone. "Hey Charles." Alli says in her phone. They ramble on for a while then she disconnects the call. "He said I AM allowed to ground you and you know that." I nod and stand up. "I'll go to my room." I walk past her and she grabs my arm. "You are grounded for a week." She takes my bag off of me and I walk upstairs. I still have my phone which I will be careful with. I hid my phone under my bed and yell over the banister. "I at least get to have my camera! Charles would be mad if you did anything to it." I hear Alli yell something and walk up the steps. "Trade for your phone." "I don't have my phone." I grab the camera and walk to my room. I close the door which is rudely opened by Alli. "Give me your phone." She crosses her arms and taps her foot. "I don't have it." I mimic her and wait for her to speak. "Kristen, now. You wi be grounded for another week if you don hand it over." I glare at her and reach under my bed. "Here." I hand her my phone and she walks out of the room. " back up phone." I say quietly reaching under my covers. I text Avery and tell her what all happened. She hasn't texted back yet so I lay on my bed for a long time till it's noon. "Kristen! Lunch!" Alli yells from downstairs. "Coming!" I he'll back and go down the stairs, leaving my phone under my bed. "Were you texting Avery?" "No why?" "Well she has been texting your other phone and she isn't replying to anything that shows up." I shrug and eat my sandwich. "Kristen, do you have another phone?" I shake m head and keep eating. "I'm going to go check. Watch the twins." I nod and she walks up the stairs. "You in trouble!" Anna says giggling. "Shut up Anna." Alli comes back down with a phone in her hand. "Nice try, wanna make it two weeks?" "No I don't." "Then call your father. If I'm not in charge of you he will give you a punishment." I take her phone and call Charles.
'Hi, it's me Kristen.'
'Why are you calling?'
'Because Alli told me since she isn't in charge of me, you give the punishments.'
'What did you do?'
'I yelled at her I ran away and I used my second phone...'
'You will be grounded for the weekend. I don't blame you. I would be mad too. When you get home you get your stuff back ok?'
'Ok love you.'
'Love you too.'
I disconnect the call and hand the phone to Alli. "What did he say?" She asks and puts her phone in her pocket. "I'm grounded for the weekend. He said if he was me he would be mad too so when I get back I won't be grounded." I cross my arms knowing she will be mad. "Ok whatever, go to your room." I nod and head upstairs. I sit on my bed and think about today. It was horrible. I hate staying here with Alli. I hate it. Chico runs into my room and I have to close the door. "Hi Chico. I missed you." I hug Chico and cuddle with him. I fall to sleep with him in my arms.
Hey guys! I had time to write this morning so I did! Hope you like it an I know it's long. Comment ideas, vote, and tell your friends! Xoxo!

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