The dance

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Chapter fourty-seven

Kristen's POV: tonight is the dance! I'm super excited. I'm wearing my strapless maxi dress. I got it from papaya last weekend when I went with Avery. I go downstairs and play with the twins. Alli is in the kitchen cooking breakfast. She is making blueberry pancakes and eggs. It smells so good. "Kristen, breakfast is almost ready, can you help the twins in their seats?" I nod even though she can't see me. I help the twins walk to their seats and they both climb up. They are growing super fast. We got them booster seats even though they are a little too young. I sit across from them and Alli puts food on their trays. Once she goes to get my plate I steal a blueberry from Chaz's tray. He giggles and slams his hand on the tray, smashing some of the blueberries. I can't help but laugh when he giggles and screams. Alli comes over and cleans him up. "Nice Kristen." She says rolling her eyes. I laugh and take another blueberry. They are really good. Alli hands me my plate and sits next to me. "So, are you excited?" I nod and pour some honey on my plate. "I need to meet this boy." I nod again and go on instagram. "Here is a picture of him." I hand my phone to Alli and she smiles. "Cute." I smile and lock my phone. Alli's on hers typing really fast. "Who's that?" She seems angry how she is typing. "Charles, he wants to see you before you go to your dance so he can vlog it." I shrug and turn towards her. "I mean Ashton lives in his neighborhood and Caleb is going to Avery's to pick her up so I guess Caleb could take me?" She nods, "might as well." I smile and finish my food. I throw away my plate and take some blueberries off of Anna's tray. "Kristen, get some from the container." I roll my eyes and grab the container from the fridge. I sit down next to Alli and eat the blueberries. I give some more to Chaz and Anna. They both giggle and eat their berries. After they finish Alli cleans their trays and picks Anna up and puts her in her play pen, and she does the same to Chaz. They both stand up and start giggling. "I'm going to start their bath, you can go to your room or stay out here with them." I nod and go up the steps to my room. I start to pull out all the hair products I need and makeup. I take my outfit out of my closet and hang it on the hook in my bathroom. I smile at my outfit and put the matching necklace on the hanger and put my shoes next to the dress. I walk to my room and lay on my bed. I text Caleb to ask if he can take me to my dad's house,

'Hey! It's Kristen! I was wondering when you leave to go to Avery's can you pick me up? My dad wants to see me before the dance. You could even pick me up early and meet my dad.'

I toss my phone on my bed and wait for an answer from Caleb.

'Totally, how about six? It would give us an hour till I have to go to Avery's and we can hang over at your dad's house.'

'Sounds good, see you soon!'

I lock my phone and yell down to Alli, "Caleb's coming around six!" I walk to the balcony and wait for an answer, "ok!" I smile and go back to my room. I shut the door and sit on my bed. It's four now so I have two hours. What should I do? I'm having dinner at my dad's house, so maybe watch a movie and get ready? Yea that works! I turn on Netflix and watch some kids movie and get dressed. I put on my dress and start my makeup. After my makeup I curl my hair and put it into a waterfall braid. I fix any curls and put on my jewelry. I go and sit on my bed to finish my movie.

It's five fifty. Almost time to go. I put on my shoes and grab my cardigan and hipster. I walk down the steps and I'm greeted by Alli. "Have fun tonight ok? No kissing boys you hear me?" I laugh and nod, "I mean it, just dance, hug, hold hands but keep your lips separated." I nod and hear a honk. "That's them. Bye." I kiss Alli's cheek and leave the house. I get in behind Caleb and buckle in. "Hey." I say waving, "hi." Caleb says, tapping his foot. "Are you nervous?" I ask leaning up. He nods and I laugh, "what are you nervous about? Meeting my dad or seeing Avery?" "Both." We both laugh and we pull out of the neighborhood. I text my dad and tell him I'm almost at his house.

Once we get to his house Caleb and I get out and his mom drives away. I walk up to the door and walk in. "Hello? Anyone home?" I say looking around. Aunt Melissa comes out and hugs me. "He asked you!" She says laughing. My cheeks get red and I push away. She laughs and looks at Caleb. He's as white as a ghost. "Hi. I'm Caleb." Aunt Melissa laughs and shakes his hand. "Friend of Kristen?" He nods and she smiles. "Where's Charles?" I ask turning towards her. "Getti-" "Kristen! Your home!" Charles yells interrupting his sister. He comes over and hugs me. "You're so grown up! You and your boyfriend!" My eyes go wide and I push myself away, "not boyfriend, just date." I smile and we all go into the living room. Charles vlogs the whole time. Caleb starts to talk to the internet and doesn't know what to say. It's finally seven which means Caleb has to leave to go get Avery. Before he leaves I hear the doorbell ring, "got it!" I yell running to the door. I open it and see Ashton standing in the doorway, "hey." He says and I invite him in. I hug him and he grabs my hand as Charles comes out with the camera. "Now remember, no kissing. Keep your tongues to yourself." My face get super hot and aunt Melissa hits Charles. "Charlie! Don't say that!" She comes over to me and hugs me. "Don't worry, just do whatever besides the kissing." She kisses my forehead and we leave the house. Ashton still holds my hand and helps me in his car. "Thank you." I say letting go. He gets in on the other side and his mom drives us to the dance. I'm ready to spend this time wit my best friend and soon to be boyfriend.


Hope you like it! I don't know when I will type another chapter. Make sure you comment ideas, vote and tell your friends! Love you all, xoxo

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