Second day with Alli

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Chapter fourty

Kristen's POV: "Kristen wake up." Alli says sitting on my bed. I stretch and sit up. "What time is it?" I rub my eyes and stretch again. "10:30 you slept a lot." "That's what a teenager does." I say standing up. "I'm going downstairs, come down whenever." Alli walks out of my room and closes the door. I hope I don't fight with her today. I grab my phone and walk down the steps. "Morning sissy." Anna says hugging my leg. "Morning." I pick her up and walk to the living room. I set her on the couch next to me then Chaz comes walking in. "Morning!" He says climbing up on the couch. "Morning Chaz." I kiss his forehead and they play together. "Breakfast is ready." Alli says picking up Chaz. "Can you get Anna?" I nod and pick up Anna and put her in her high chair. "What did you make?" "Pancakes, bacon, and eggs." I sit in my "seat" and she hands me a plate. "Thanks." I start eating then Alli comes over to the table. "So... How did you sleep?" Alli asks drinking some milk. "Eh, would have slept better at home." I say taking a bite of my food. "You will get used to it I- shit," I laugh at her, "you will get used to it ok?" "You saved yourself." I take another bite of my food and she smiles at me. "Wanna go out?" "On a date? Ew!" I laugh and keep eating my food. "The mall or something?" I shake my head and stand up to throw my food away, "sit." She says pointing to my seat. "Why?" "Eat more." I sigh and sit down. "I'm not hungry." "You ate like nothing! Eat now!" I take another bite off of my bacon. "Happy?" She shakes her head and points to my food. "Eat, I'm serious, you are going to starve yourself." "So? I'm not hungry!" "SO?! You could kill yourself." I stand up and throw away my food. "Whoops!" I put my plate in the sink and go upstairs. "KRISTEN! Get down here!" I ignore her and go to my room. I slam the door shut and lay on my bed. Alli comes in a few minutes later and looks a little angry. "Kristen. Why aren't you eating?" She sits on my bed and rubs my hair. "I'm depressed." I turn to face her. "Kristen, we all are. You need to eat." I shake my head, "no I'm not hungry! Just go away." I bury my head in my pillow and she hugs me. "Fine, remember that next time you need me." She closes my door and I get my alone time. I stay in my room staring at the ceiling for a while. I go out of my room and go to the living room to watch tv. "You hungry?" Alli asks me and walks over to me. "No." I turn the tv on. "No tv." She grabs the remote and turns the tv off. "Thanks." I cross my arms and stare at the black big screen. "What aren't you doing vlogs?" I ask her. "Because, I don't think I need to." "So you do vlogs for five years then you just stop?" She nods and sits on the couch. "It kind of reminds me of the past. If I have something interesting going on I will vlog but I need a break." I cross my arms, still not looking at her. "Doesn't it feel weird? To not vlog? Are you going to ban your kids from being on the internet?" She shakes her head. "Is this an interview or something? Of course I wouldn't ban you three from the internet." "I mean the twins. You can't ban me from anything. You aren't in charge of me anymore." "Kristen stop it now. We are not starting a fight." "What if I want to?" "Then go ahead. Leave, run away I don't care. I'm not in charge of you so I won't come after you if you leave. It's up to your father." She crosses her arms and I stand up. "Fine. Give me my stuff." She shakes her head and turns away from me. "I'm leaving you forever then." I walk over to where my stuff is and grab my bag. "I'm not in charge of you, do whatever." I shrug and leave the house. I decided to walk to the beach. It was far away though. I walk fast to get to the beach.

Alli's POV: did I really let my daughter walk out of my life? I shrug it off when I hear a faint cry from the twins. "Coming." I say and jog to their room. I cradle Chaz as he cries and go to the kitchen to get his food ready. I put him in his high chair and go get Anna. "Hungry Anna?" I ask picking her up. She nods and we walk to the kitchen. I put her in her seat and give them bowls of food. I start feeding them when I get a call from Charles


"Hey, have you seen Kristen? She isn't answering her calls."

"Shit, um she left the house around an hour ago. I said since I'm not in charge of her she can leave..."

"Alli! You really said that?! What if she's dead?!"

"I'm sorry Charles! I couldn't deal with her anymore! All she did was yell at me!"

"That doesn't mean you let her leave your house! Go help look for her, please."

"Ok bye."

I disconnect the call and grab my car keys. I pick up the twins and go to the car. I buckle in the twins and get in the front seat. "Mommy? What's wrong?" Anna asks frowning. "Nothing, we are going to look for your sister ok?" Anna nods and I pull out of the driveway. Why did I do this? I'm going to be in trouble with Charles. I drive towards the beach since that's where she would most likely go. I keep driving till I see a figure walking on the side of the rode. "Kristen!" Chaz shouts pointing to her. I smile and pull the car over. I get out and start walking towards her. I pick up my speed and she does the same. "I thought you said you wouldn't come after me..." Kristen says slowing her pace down. "Kristen, Charles called me and he was worried sick. Why didn't you talk to him?" "Because I wanted to get away from all of this, all of the stress, depression, you..." She looks up at me and frowns. My facial expression changes from scared to hurt. "I'm sorry..." She says and she starts walking again. I follow her and when I catch up to her I grab her arm. "Please, Kristen, don't do this. Listen to me please!" She turns around and looks at her feet. "What?" "Don't do this for me, do it for Charles. Please." She shakes her head and pulls her hand out of my grasp. "Kristen get in the car. I will take you home..." "I don't wanna go home." "What about... Your real home..." She turns around and looks at me. "Charles' home?" I nod and she smiles a little. "Fine." She goes to the car and gets in the front. "Text your father." I say and she nods. "Have anything at my house?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Good, let's go." I drive to my old house and park in the driveway. Kristen gets out of the car and runs to the door. I follow her in and we are greeted by a smiling Charles.

Kristen's POV: I get out of the car and run to the door. Alli and I are greeted by a smiling Charles. He pulls me into a bear hug. "Don't ever do that again. You scared me." I hug him and look up at him. "I'll try." He let's go of me and his smile fades to a frown. "We need to talk." Charles says going to the kitchen with Alli following. I hear them yelling back and forth until Alli comes out crying. Alli leaves and slams the front door shut. I watch her until she drives away really fast. Charles comes out of the kitchen pinching the skin between his eyes. "What did you do?" I ask pointing to the door referring to Alli. "I set her straight." He crosses his arms and stares at me. "You made her cry!" He shrugs and sits on the Simpsons couch. "Dad! Is this because if me leaving? She did tell me to leave but it was my decision! What's going to happen now?" "You are staying here with me, you won't be seeing Alli for a while." I roll my eyes and walk to my room. Yes he should have done that but he made her cry! I will see Alli somehow. I don't know how but I will.


Night guys! I got to write! I saw Heaven is for Real! It was so good! Hope you like the chapter! Comment ideas, vote and tell your friends. < instead of typing that I almost typed subscribe😂 I'm weird. Ok bye! Xoxo

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