...A Game Of Chance. Chapter Seventeen

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OK so this chapter took longer than I had anticipated, but it's 1288 words so its alright I guess, if anyone has a problem understanding something I write here, please don’t hesitate to comment or message me about it. I thrive to make my work understandable.

Here is a little re-cap on what happened at the end of that last chapter.

I let out a frustrated scream when I saw another mirror laid behind it...this one was different though. It was still me, but I was different; so were my surroundings.

Oh yay! I like this version of you so much better!” This time the voice was right behind me. I whipped around and stared at him. “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked angrily. He giggled and started his approach towards me. I backed away from him until my back hit the mirror.

His hands reached out and he grabbed my hands; raising them so I could see what they had become.

End Of Chapter Sixteen.


Chapter Seventeen.

...A Game Of Chance.

I just stared, that was all I could do. My hands were completely healed from punching the mirror out.

My nails were polished and painted black. Black lace fingerless gloves covered my hands and ran up my arms until they met the middle of my bicep. I gasped, but realized I was to out of breath to breathe. I turned and looked into the mirror.

I had knee-high leather boots and ripped and tattered black skinny jeans. Three belts wrapped around my hips; a white one was looped through my pants and a black and silver one sat crooked on my hips. A dark blue shirt sat under a tightly fitted leather corset.

W-where did these clothes come from?! What the hell is going on here?! What did he do to me?! I asked myself as I gaped at my reflection.

My hair!” I yelped. My beautiful, white hair...it was silver and had bright purple streaks now. It fell all the way down my back and stopped at my knees. My eyes were the biggest shocker. They weren't their blue anymore, they were purple.

I know, your new hair is STUNNING! I love it!” He clapped behind me.

I glared at him through the mirror and whipped around with blinding speed. With my hand clenched in a fist, I screamed, “SHUT UP!”

My fist made contact with his cheek and I watched as he flew to the other side of the room; shattering the mirrors he crashed into.

Keehehehehehehehe...oh wonderful, simply wonderful! I knew you were strong my dear, but I didn't know you were this strong! Oh this is wonderful!!” He laughed with glee as he stood up as if nothing happened to him.

Damn you.” I said between clenched teeth. I was more then mad, I was more then furious. I was a walked, talking ball of rage. The urge to rip his throat out with my bare hands was growing. I just hated him so much! All I wanted was to kill him, him and everyone else.

The thought of my hands wrapped around a knife, up against Jeff's neck came to mind. I couldn’t help but grin viciously.

I would enjoy killing him.

I leaped out of my trance when I heard a gasp. I looked up at Laughing Jack as he stared down at something next to me. He looked shocked at first, but then he leaped for joy and ran to my side in a flash.

I raised my hand to strike him, but stopped when I noticed the knife in my hand.

I didn’t have that before, did I?

Oh my. Where did this come from?” He grinned.

Isn't is obvious? I summoned it here, but then again I don’t expect a clown like you to understand it.” I spoke aloud. I blinked rapidly and covered my mouth with my hand. I didn't say that...at least I didn’t want to say that.

You really are stupid, aren’t you? Something growled in my head.

Who the hell are you? I snapped at it. Last time I checked this was my head not yours.

My god you really are stupid. Well Lightning think why don’t you. Who has been with you since birth and knows exactly what your thinking.

I thought for a moment before I heard an sigh of annoyance.

Me, you twit. I'm you, or at least the smart version of you. I'm the one that has kept you sane since the triple threat entered your head.

I shook my head and braced myself on a near by mirror, Laughing Jack sat in the corner and stared at me with curiosity. Wait what triple threat? I asked it with my eyes shut.

The infamous triple threat. Well first off they aren’t humans, they are emotions that have the capability to take the form of humans. Of course there are three of them, but it starts with Paranoia. He does to you what his name states and sometimes he does such a good job you kill yourself. He decided to enter your head when dad was killed. Though by that time you had had me for a few year.

I cut it off. Wait I created you? When and why would I do such a thing? I heard another annoyed sigh.

Because you had some intelligence when you were 3. Now let's continue. After Paranoia comes Hysteria, she is vicious. She entered and took over your head about a month ago. Most people wouldn't know what to do with themselves when she takes control. She is also like a gate for Insanity; the final threat. Insanity normally kills her victims slowly; save you haven't already killed yourself with Paranoia and Hysteria inside you.

Wait, so are you like a protection system for me? Wow...thanks.

Yeah whatever, but I wont last forever you know. Insanity has snaked her way into your head the day you saw Jeff outside the gate. Either you start thinking right on your own or you die.

Squeezing my hands at my sides I remembered the knife in my hand. Hey, where did this knife come from?


Looking down I opened my eyes and leaped back. Laughing Jack had been standing under me staring with a amused expression.

Are you done talking to yourself?” He asked with a closed eye grin.

Are you done playing games with me and finally tell me why I'm here?” I shot back at him.

His eyes opened and he let out a gleeful shout. “Oh thank you! I almost forget! Come here I have one last game for you.”

With a clap of his hands the mirrors turned and disappeared, leaving us in a semi-dark room of unknown size. A spot light shone down on an old table with flaking yellow paint and splinters sticking out in all directions. Nothing but paper and various broken crayons sat on it.

Please take a seat I have much to say and very little time to say it.” He sat in one of the three chairs around the table and gestured to the one acrossed from him.

Hesitantly I sat and looked him in the eye. I didn’t want to take my eyes off him. He was nothing but trouble...

So the reason I have brought you here today is to...make a deal with you. You see, I'm sure your lovely little security system has told you about the beings in your head already; yes?” I nodded.

Well my dear, I'm here to offer you a trade...your little voice, for your friends protection.”

I stared at him like he was a fish out of water. “What?”

End Of Chapter Seventeen

Authors Notes:

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