The Amnesiac. Chapter Twenty-Two.

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Writing this is harder then it seems. As of recently I have had personal matters to attend to and focus on. But I am still dedicated to you guys for future chapters.

This has NOT been edited so mind the horrible mistakes!

Chapter Twenty: Recap.

"It's rude to stare at a blind man, Clare." He pulled back and looked down at me as if he could see me clear as day. "I said I wouldn't hurt you, nor do I want to, so you don't have to fear me like all the others did." He pulled me gingerly back onto the bed and sat on the side of it. "Now you promised you would sleep, so please. Lie down and get some rest, you will be safe here."

He stood, leaving me speechless as his tall frame walk away from me. He opened the door at the far end of the room and turned toward me. "And whatever you do. Don't open any of windows or doors for anyone not even me. I have my own key, so I can get in on my own." With that he shut the door softly and locked it into place.

I sat in the bed staring at the door for what felt like years. I didn't know how to think, how to feel...I was petrified. Before long I finally laid down on the bed and feel asleep.

Chapter Twenty-Two

The Amnesiac.

Clary's P.O.V.

I woke with a start. A loud howl erupting from the floor above me. I took a glance around the room I was in, my memory of before falling asleep slowly recovering. I still can't remember how I got here and the constant nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I should be doing something else continued, giving me a pounding headache.

I peeled the blanket from my sweaty body and threw my legs over the side of the bed. The ominous raking of wood and quiet whines echoed from above me, sending a cold chill through my body. What was going on up there?

I slipped onto the cold, dark oak floors, gawking at the rooms terrifying interior. The smell of lemon and bleach still permeated the air, making me wrinkle my nose and give a light sneeze. Besides the stains on the floor and walls, the rooms was overall, clean. A dark dresser stood next to the door. Beautiful designs were carved expertly into the strong surface. What really caught my eye wasn't the intricate system of carvings, but the small chain that hung out of the top drawer.

I tugged a hand through my hair and walked hesitantly to the wardrobe, raising my hand to grab the chain. But just moments before my fingers glimpsed the silvered chain, an unbearably loud crescendo of noise gathered in the room. It wasn't just any noise though, no not at all, but a howl. A sickening howl that seemed all too familiar. A sense of panic exploded in my chest, making me to drop to the floor in a heap. My breath was coming in gasps, my body shaking uncontrollably. I didn't know why I was so scared. This sound, I've heard it before! But where? Why was I so scared?

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