First Blood. Chapter Four.

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((Chapter four! Listening to Murder Mittens – I See Stars, Sweet Dream And This Is Halloween – Marilyn Manson THEY ARE PERFECT FOR THIS CHAPTER! Lol This Is Violent And Awesome. And I’m Writing This Angry So It’s Better…So Um Enjoy!!))

Chapter Four

First Blood.

“GO TO SLEEP!” He yelled; dashing for me.

I twisted and dodge rolled to the side. His knife slashed through air. He growled and charged me again. I raised my knife and blocked it. I grabbed his wrist with haste and flipped him into the dirt. I heard his breath leave his lungs. Immediately I went for his throat, but he rolled away.

He got on his knees and jumped at me; again I blocked it. He let out an annoyed scream and punched me in the nose.

I yelped in pain as my nose broke. I staggered back, knife still raised in defense.

My nose was dripping with blood into my mouth. I licked the blood off my lips as he licked the blood off his knuckles.

I held back the urge to gag. I taunted with my knife and smiled.

He staggered back like I had wounded him.

He fears me? I smiled bigger and lunged for his heart. He parried and cut me deeply down my left arm. I didn’t bother with the pain. I turned and slashed down his chest; rolling between his legs and cutting up his back.

His whipped around and skimmed my head as I stood. I leaped back and leaned against a tree trunk.

Both of us were bleeding, but I seemed to be the only one in pain.

My head was throbbing, as was my nose, blood was dribbling down into my eyes and mouth. My arm was shaking horribly with pain. I don’t know how much I could take of this.

He laughed at me and stalked towards me.

I raised my knife as he raised his.

“Just…Go To Sleep…Lightning.” He said in a raspy voice.

He knows my name, how does he know my name? And where have I heard the line before?

He pointed the tip of the knife at my heart and lunged. I raised my knife with supernatural speed and knocked his knife out of his hands. He slammed against me and I did the only thing I knew would get me away from him.

I kneed him in the crotch.

He took a shrap intake of breath and fell over.


His hood fell back and I saw his face.

I stopped dead, I couldn’t run away; my legs wouldn’t let me.

He looked up at me with dark, unblinking eyes. They were full of nothing but hate. His smile ripped ear to ear, but his dark red lips were in a flat line.

I wasn’t scared, I was shocked.

“You’re real?” I asked stepping toward him. I was about to take another and then I realized; he is a murderer. Feeling came back into my legs and I ran for it.

I didn’t know where I was going I just ran. Out of luck I saw the gate.

I climbed it and leaped through the hole. I didn’t bother to climb down the tree, I just jumped.

I landed painfully on my side and rolled onto my hands and knees.

I was shaking violently, blood coated my face and hands. I used my bad arm to wipe away the blood from my eyes.

I coughed and my arm gave out. I sank onto my side and saw him sitting in the tree with his smile. I curled into a ball, then everything went dark.

((Yes It’s Short, Kill Me With Fire For It, But I’m Tired. COMMENT/VOTE/AND SHARE WITH FRIENDS!!!!!!!!

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