Round Two. The Death Match. Chapter Eight.

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((Ok My Faithful Readers I Would Like To Thank You All So Much For Sharing And Stuff I Really Hope You Enjoy This Weird And Boring Chapter.))

Chapter Eight

Round Two. The Death Match.

I woke up in my bed with a warm towel on my head. I stared around groggy.

Clary was in her bed but Aylissa was not.

She had her leg on a pillow and it was wrapped in a red cast.

“Clary, are you up?” I asked in a whisper. It hurt to talk it felt like someone was clawing the inside on my throat.

She shifted slightly and nodded.

“Yeah. Are you ok?”

I nodded, “Yeah, how about you…is your ankle broken?” she tried to lift her leg and winced.

“No, but it hurts. I think they said something about it being bruised to the bone. I can’t walk on it for at least two weeks.” I frowned and tried standing but couldn’t.

I had absolutely no energy left in me. I laid back down and looked at my watch. It was 3 in the afternoon. I sighed and laid back down, closing my eyes and went back to sleep.

“Lightning! Lightning you have to see this, get up!” Damon’s voice pulled me from my peaceful sleep.

“What’s going on?” I rose slowly and looked at him. Clary was leaning on him.

“Just come here,” he bent and helped me up. I leaned on him for support before he handed me to Heather who looked like she had seen a ghost.

Something must seriously be wrong if Heather is helping out.

I was practically carried by her outside.

The moon was high in the sky so I knew it had to be late. The sound of crying caught my attention. A crowd, of what looked like the entire camp crowded at the gate entrance.

“What could have done this?”

“I think I’m gonna puke.”

“She was only 18! I can’t believe it!” voices were going around as I grew closer to the gate.

Then Heather stopped walking.

“I-I can’t go any farther…” her voice trailed off.

“It’s ok I think I can walk.” I stumbled away from her and fell to my knees. I still didn’t have the energy to walk.

I started crawling. Pushing people out of the way kindly before I reached the horrifying sight in front of me.

She was twisted through the gate.

Her arms and legs were cut off and twisted around the gate with her.  Her stomach was cut open and her intestines were twisted in words on the gate.

I read it aloud.

“It Will Rain Blood.” A shiver went down my spine as I stared blankly at Aylissa’s dead body.

I heard faint laughing again, it came from behind me. I whipping around, I glared. Jeff sat on the top of the cabin with a grin.

He mouthed something that looked like, “Enjoy.” And leaped off the roof with his hood up. Just as he started walking away from me, I felt a surge of energy run through my body.

I didn’t bother with thinking I just dived after him with everything I had.

I grew closer and his laugh grew unbearably louder, but his laughter would help my stealth.

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