Chapter 2 (Man In The Middle)

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"I'm John." the boy smiled, "John Lennon."

Silence came upon the two boys. Paul could not help but stare at the auburn haired boy in both interest and fear. The latter decided to speak first.

"I'd shake your hand but you see, I'm unable to do that in my case."

"Your case?" he blinked.

"Dead, you see. I think you shall know a thing or two about spirits, right Paul?"

"How would you know?" Paul stuttered as he tried to form a coherent sentence.

"I've seen you looking at us plenty of times." he winked, "No need to be afraid. I'm just one of them." Paul nodded eagerly.

"So, you're a spirit too?" he asked bewildered by the fact that he was talking to one for the first time and they didn't leave right away.

"I do not like repeating myself, Paul." Paul widened his eyes in surprise as he heard his name leaving the boy's thin lips.

"Another thing. How do you know my name?"

"I know much more than just your name. Paul." He winked at the younger boy. Paul shuddered at the moment John's eyes met his and managed to scare but enhance him at the same time as well. 

He shrugged the feeling of dizziness and decided to finally speak.

"Nice to meet you then."

"The pleasure is all mine." Paul chuckled lightly as the boy bowed down in front of him like men did in the old times when acquainted.

"Now, John. Why are you talking to me and not just hide away like the rest of your kind?"

"You seem like a nice person. Interesting too. And I haven't interacted with guys in my age in what seems like ages." he chuckled at his own joke."

"When did you die?" he asked in a low voice as not for his brother to hear him.

"In 1874." he nodded.

"Cause of death?"

"Are you writing down my biography?" he snapped, which made Paul huff irritated.

"Answer my question."

"Murdered. Shot in the back. My father was a politician and, as you can guess, had enemies. I was going to follow his career. They had to 'stop' me, get me out of the way, so they could handle it themselves. I was nineteen back then, studying economics."

Paul nodded slowly taking in the new information.

"And what are you doing as a spirit? Walking alone in the dark and scaring innocent kids to death?" Paul smirked.

"Oh, it's so much interesting being a ghost, unable to do anything other than wondering around the graves and reading the names, talking to other spirits or visiting my parents back when they were still alive."

Paul's mood changed in an instant "Have you ever seen Mary McCartney? She's my mother."

"No. I'm sorry. Never heard of her."

"It's okay." he shook his head.

"I'm going to go. It was nice to meet you."

"Hey, John! Where are you going?" he tried to catch him but John jerked his hand away from Paul before he could reach him. He earned a shrug as a response.

"Here, there and everywhere."

"Will you visit again?" he asked hopeful.

"Why are you asking?"

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