Chapter 25 (Dear Friend)

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Paul was sitting cross legged in Dr. Robert's office observing for the hundredth time that chinese ashtray on his desk where a burnt cigarette he himself had smoked ten minutes before lied there, unable to offer any more pleasure to its owner.

It was the weekly check and probably the worst of all. First came the whole medical stuff, and the typical the pressure measurement his pulse and all this typical things a doctor should do to his patients and then they had to discuss his state and obviously overanalyze it to a level Paul found ridiculous. With all these questions even a seemingly healthy person could be diagnosed mentally unstable. Damn the whole faculty of psychiatry.

"So, Paul how are you copying lately?"

"I am alright doctor. Probably the best I have been in a while."

Even though Paul had realized that the people in the clinic only wanted the best for him, he still couldn't help but feel something holding him back from completely opening up to everyone. He still felt as if anything he said could turn against him. And he really did not wish to stay in this place longer than necessary.

Well, if it weren't for this clinic and his mental condition he would not have ever met this beautiful man who cared about him and had the name; John Lennon. He was glad and greatful that at least something good had come out of this situation.

Dr. Robert smiled at the younger man, but it was not clear whether it was because he was really glad about the news or he knew something no one else did.

"I am happy to hear that Paul. The illusions have stopped for good right?"

"Haven't had them in a long time."

"That's really nice. And any other side effects you might have had with the latest medication."

"Not at all."

"Really great." the man played with his fingers, something that seemed quite out off place for a professional psychiatrist like himself.

"According to your process and all the discussions among the doctors lately, we dare to suggest that your situation has much improved lately, and seeing that we have no more side effects and other problems among them we came to the conclusion that in a month we should let you out of the clinic and you can move on with your life."

Paul stood there speechless for a moment trying to figure out whether or not this was all a joke or whether his ears misheard and played pranks on him.

"You are serious doctor, aren't you?"

"I could not be more serious James. This will soon be over for you." he gave him a proffessional smile.

"And I can go home? Away from here?" he whispered the last sentence to himself. He could not believe this had come to an end finally.

"This is something we have to further discuss. To be honest to you I suggest you keep on the therapy out there as well. That means someone should look out for you, an expert to the matter. See how you go on and get through and be there whenever any problem arises."

"That means I won't be back home like before. Someone has to babysit me and I don't see what for. I am alright on my own Dr. Robert you said this yourself."

Paul was growing impatient. He didn't want anyone to follow him around help him and guide him as if he was a blind misfortune man unable to live on his own.

"I could take my medication regularly and everything will be fine. I want to go home doctor. I want to be back with my father and brother like before, understand me please."

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