Chapter 22 (Two Of Us)

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Paul blinked at the sight in front of him. Right there, before his very eyes, stood that auburn haired boy with the honey colored eyes smiling at him, something that caused Paul to feel even more dazed than before. His instincts told him to run and hug the other man. They tempted him to shout out his name again and again, to spell words that no one else was supposed to hear coming out of Paul's mouth.

Logic though prevented him from doing so and kept him composed as John stepped even closer.

"Come on, let's go." John spoke and span him around so Paul came face to face with the beauty that was hidden in the dark of the night. The clear, starry night was mirrored above the dark sea. They were at the port and it seemed that no one apart for a couple or two were there. John instructed him to climb down the rocks and they moved to sit by the seaside.

John was the first of the two to sit down on the sand and raised his hand to Paul to help him bent down by his side. Paul almost took the chance to hold the other man's hand but as soon as he realized his actions he pulled away his hand before their fingers were intertwined. Paul could feel the loss of 'electricity' but he decided to ignore his feelings once again. He put on his blank mask and bent down by himself.

John was the first one to speak after the long termed silence.

"Did the cat bite your pretty tongue?" he asked cheekily and momentarily bit the inside of his cheek. Paul managed to shake his head and look up.

"What are you doing here? Did you plan all this?"

John felt his cheeks flashing red scarlet as he feared of the worst. Maybe the doe eyed boy was still mad at him. And he had every right to be.

"I managed with a little help from my friends." he spoke up after a moment.

"But you were in London."

"I came back." John answered.

"Why?" Paul asked confused.

"I was told you asked for me. And I thought, maybe you had forgiven me and wanted me to get back here." he took in a deep breath, "I could always get you back to your room and no harm done, if..."

"No!" Paul interrupted him and shushed him with a bone crushing hug. "No, no, please don't leave again." Paul murmured urgently and buried his head in the crook of the other's neck. He almost knocked John over with his outburst. John tried to balance with Paul's weight on his body and gasped.

Paul breathed in John. So, that was what he smelled like. Mint tea and cigarettes Paul thought and hugged him tighter. He needed as much physical contact as he could get to make sure this whole thing was real and not just another dream of his.

"I am so sorry for leaving in the first place."

He looked at the younger man, up and down, "How do you feel?"

"Medication is working, so I guess I am fine."

Paul rested his head on John's shoulder and he pulled away from the tight embrace.

"I missed you." he whispered. And it was the honest truth.

John leaned down by Paul's ear shell and softly whispered the following words.

"Could you forgive me?"

Paul nodded and blushed as John moved his hand closer to his and intertwined their fingers for the first time, squeezing tight his hand.

"Could you?" John asked hoping for the answer to be affirmative for his own sake.

Paul pulled off causing a startled expression to form on the other's man face. He gently bribed at him and stretched out his arm.

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