Chapter 9 (Getting Closer To Knowing)

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He picked up his history book from his locker, sighing deeply for he had to stand one more hour with mr Haggis. How could he not fall asleep when they were only talking about Napoleon and bloody Waterloo?

"Hey lad!" he received a light smack on the shoulder which made him turn around and come face to face with a smirking George.

"Hey Geo. Good morning." he said flatly and locked his locker.

"Don't be so happy to see me. You make me blush."

"Sorry, I'm just tired." he apologized and walked to their next class.

"I meant to tell you. Jane Asher paid me a call yesterday."

"Jane? Really? What did she want from you?" he asked confused and maybe, just maybe quite jealous.

"She asked me for a certain McCartney's phone number. I think the lad forgot giving it to her and never called her himself."

"I see. And?"

"She's going to call you soon, is what she said." Paul nodded and mouthed and 'oh' not knowing what to say.

"Oh? That's all you got to say? Guys are dying to be with her and she fancies you and only. She's the girl with caps, you git."

"She's cute." he admitted. George just glared at him and shook his head, not saying anything for a moment.

"What about seeing you after school. It's the last hour." Paul nodded, "Alright, see you in thirty minutes after school finishes in Strawberry Fields."

"See you lad." Paul smiled and walked in his last class for the day.


"Took you long enough." murmured George, after exhaling the smoke out of his lungs. He held the cigarette, between his two fingers, and brought it back to his thin lips.

Paul sat next to him on the soil ground. Strawberry Fields were something like their secret place. They met there just the two of them so no one could find them. Not that it was a secret place, but you would not expect two seventeen year olds meeting there, when most of the other guys in their age gathered in clubs.

"Want a ciggie Paul?" George offered him the package, before Paul declined his offer, not feeling like smoking would solve anything at this period of time.

"Are you going to ask her on a date?" George asked out of nowhere.

"Jane? Oh boy, I have no idea. I mean I fancy her but I don't know. A girlfriend? She's our age, right?"

"A year older. She's friends with Iris and I happen to know she's quite your match."

"How's so?"

"You're like soulmates. Made for each other. I can picture you together. A match from heaven." George spread his arms and looked up to the sky as to mention the 'heaven' thing even better. Paul laughed at that.

Yet, he did not really know. When he thought of 'soulmates' he imagined, two people, who could not live inseperate and even if they were far away, destiny, fate, was going to bring them together. The way they were meant to be, for they filled each other's gaps. The only person Paul could think that matched all this, was not Jane or any other girl he had ever dated or fancied. That person having all the above in themselves was... someone, who he would never meet without his charisma. That auburn haired, witty, funny boy had everything Paul considered as a soulmate. He filled and completed him.

He did not quite believe in living many lives and that soulmates are these who you met many times in your previous lives. He couldn't deny anything, yet his logic could not consider this true. He believed they were only given one chance and then the next level was being a spirit. Not like he would believe the latter if his own eyes hadn't confirmed it.

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