Chapter 6 (While The Music Still Goes On)

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"Hey Paul, are you even listening to me?" Paul jumped in surprise as he looked up to his friend who was hugging the petite blonde girl, Iris. She was a nice girl, she liked dance, and she had a good taste of humor. She was cute with long, kind of wavy hair and big green-blue eyes. Generally, a Brigitte Bardot look alike, just a little younger. George's taste in girls was good, he admitted.

"Sorry, what did you say again?" he smiled apologetically at both of them. He had drifted off while the two of them were busy snogging and cuddling. Paul didn't know if he should feel disgusted or jealous. He felt nothing. He was just bored out of his mind. It wasn't like he wanted so desperately a girl in his life at this period of time. He had other, way more serious things to worry his mind about.

"I said that you don't have to stay here with us. You can go have some fun out there. Meet new people, girls. There are some really pretty up there," he pointed at the stage where people danced "you know what I mean," he didn't manage to finish the sentence as the girl on his lap smacked him and he giggled at her. Giggled. Now, Paul started feeling disgusted at the sloppy, romantic scene before his very eyes. He stood up and he almost swore his friend sighed in relief.

"See you later guys" Paul smirked. He was not stupid, he knew when he was kind of unwanted by others. He walked towards the stage. He could smell the sweat as be walked closer. Everyone was dancing in the rhythm of rock n' roll, the sinful music as the elderly put it. And he could see why they thought so. Girls were dancing close to their partners as they pounced up and down, their hair dancing along as they pushed it behind their ears so they could see better. Boys, shook their heads and spread their hands out for the girl to hold as they danced together. They were smiling and cheering as Elvis' voice filled the room.

"Hey there." Paul turned around and came face to face with a red headed girl. "Are you in for a dance?" she smiled at him and Paul found himself smiling back. She was really sweet. A little shorter than him, fit with lively brown eyes. She wore a lacy black, or dark blue dress, Paul couldn't define because of the dark in the club. She was beautiful and Paul would lie to himself if he said he didn't dwell on her as they looked at each other.

"Sure I am." he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. The song changed to a slow one later on and the partners came closer to each other as they swayed back and forth. Paul hugged the girl a little hesitant and danced slowly with her. "What's your name love?" he asked in a sweet deep voice making the girl blush for no specific reason.

"Jane. Jane Asher. And yours?" she replied.

"Paul McCartney." he glanced at George who was winking at Paul and showed him thumbs up. In return he shot him a death glare. "I haven't seen you around. Are you new in Liverpool?" he focused back on the girl.

"In fact I live in Blackpool. My aunt lives here, that's why you haven't seen me around before."

"Oh, I see." he nodded and wrapped his arms around her as the new song could be heard from the speakers.

They danced for a couple of songs, Jane's arms resting on Paul's shoulders as they danced back and forth to the slow music. He looked at the club's door entrance to see the new people arriving. His gaze fell on a person so familiar who was looking around. No, it couldn't be him. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him but, still.

"John?" he murmured and gaped at the person who just had spotted him and signaled him to follow him as he went out. What worried him though is that he looked serious. "Damn." he looked down at Jane who was now resting her forehead on his shoulder.

"Jane?" he whispered softly in her ear and she looked up and nodded for him to speak. "I'm sorry but I have to go. Something of importance."

"Oh. It's alright. I have to head back too I think." she sighed.

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