Chapter 12 (Under Attack)

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"Paul?" a woman's voice called in the dark. He did not know where he was, probably in a dark alley but he did not care at the moment. She had come back.


"I told you I would come to see you again." Paul could swear she was smiling when saying that. That's how well he knew her.

"Did you come for dad?"

"No James, I came for you. To warn you." Paul did not have the time to ask for she went on. "You should be aware. They are about to ruin you."

"Ruin me?"

"They know about you. About me. About our charisma James. Be careful. They are about to take advantage of you."

"Who?" he asked nervous. Who knew about him? Who wanted to take advantage and ruin him?

She kissed the top of his head affectionately, ruffling his hair as well. Then she opened her mouth to answer but no sound came out. Paul felt like deaf. Then a strange sound echoed in the enlarged dark alley. A bipping sound that quite annoyed him. He felt like he was lifted on the air and suddenly he was being spinned around by a magic force, which brought him out of the alley and back to a well known place. He blinked twice before his sight adjusted to the new surroundings. The annoying sound kept on bipping though. He slapped the alarm with his left hand making it shut it for good.

Paul sighed in both uneasiness and relief. It was all a dream and nothing more. At least he tried to tell himself so.


''D?'' George gasped in horror as he glanced once more on the mark written in red above his test, to check if he had seen right, or his eyes had deceived him, ''What is this all about Mr Dawson? I wrote down everything that came in mind?"

''That was the case Mr Harrison. What came in your 'mind' as you say, had nothing to do with this chapter of history I tested you on.'' the teacher remarked.

''Nonsense.'' George rolled his eyes. He smacked his friend who sat on the desk in front of him.

Paul jumped in surprise, as he was smacked on the shoulder while taking a very much needed nap. He turned around to come face to face with George.

''What?'' he asked in a grumpy tone.

''How much did you get on the test?'' Paul raised his eyebrows.

''I got a C?'' Harrison groaned obviously displeased by the fact that he got it worse.

''People should not even graduate from colleges unless they do their job right. We are surrounded by idiots.''

''Mr Harrison, if you may sit straight and stop gossiping with oh, Mr McCartney rise and shine, I would appreciate it very much thank you.'' their teacher snapped, earning a few laughs from some boys and a tired gesture from Paul and turned his back on the class to write down on the blackboard the homework for next time. The bell rang less than five minutes later and the teenage boys ran out of their class to enjoy as much as they could the short break.

"So, what's wrong with you?" George asked as they walked down the corridors for their next lesson.

"Everything is alright, I don't know what you're talking about." Paul attempted to leave the subject. George stopped in his tracks, making Paul who was just behind him stop as well so they would not bump on each other. He turned around and locked eyes with Paul.

"Do not lie to me McCartney. You can fool the others but not me. Tell me." he pressured. Paul sighed.

"My father was in the hospital the past days." George's eyes widened in surprise at hearing the news coming from Paul's very lips.

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