Chapter 13 (Behind The Mask)

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"What the hell do you mean by saying you went there to take him?!" John shouted at the older men in front of him. He had only arrived after Richard paid a call to inform him of what was going on.

"John, calm down son. We did what we had to do according to the plan. Nothing less, nothing more."

"Bullshit! The plan was not that! I had one more day to tell him and you did not let me!" John was out of his mind. This was not what they had agreed on.

"You had enough time to tell him. Your bad."

"You did not even tell me what you were going to do. Why?"

"Things had gotten worse John, you told us yourself. The sooner the better."

"Who went there?"

"Stuart. They are going to arrive soon. It's about time."

John groaned and walked out of the room. He wanted to shout and cry. He lost the chance of explaining him. Angry tears ran down his cheeks as he approached Richard.

"You knew?" John asked as he looked up.

"I called you right after I was told. I'm sorry John." John shook his head and turned around leaving the building, needing some time alone to think of a way to fix the already fucked up situation he had gotten himself into.


Richard knew from the first seconds of the loud noise coming from outside the doors who it was. It was a strange feeling. He had not seen or heard Paul before, yet the muffled sounds the boy made while trying to escape his captors' strong hands were enough too prove Richard right. In an instant, the door burst open and Stuart was the first to walk in, not even acknowledging Richard, as he headed immediately to the room where his and John's father were, probably to let them know they had arrived.

He turned his head to the men who followed Stuart right after. Jack and Mark as they had introduced themselves to him, two days ago. The strong built men, carried in their arms an unconscious body, smaller and fragile unlike theirs. Paul. The young boy had now stopped making any sounds and was sleeping peacefully, his head hanging on the left.

"The stupid boy would not shut it. Drugs made our lives easier. He's only unconscious." Mark mentioned as he looked at the blue eyed man.

"Very well." he nodded shortly.

They carefully lied Paul on one of the armchairs that were placed in the room and left.

Richard approached the body and leaned down on his side to check the heartbeat. He looked up and stared at the younger boy inspecting his features closely. Paul was truly beautiful. John was not exaggerating when he had told them about him. He looked fragile. Not like he was small or anything like that. He was at the same height with John almost, meaning much taller than Richard himself, but something on him seemed so petite, like porcelain dolls. They were beautiful to see and admire but if you did the wrong thing they would break down in million pieces. He seemed almost perfect. Well... almost.

The boy besides him steered and moved. Richard pulled away, afraid to not wake him up accidentally. As if on queue, inside the room stepped Stuart, his and John's father.

"Where is John, Richard?" Alfred Lennon asked as he fixed his gaze on the shorter man.

"He went out for a moment sir." Alfred sighed, clearly annoyed with his son's behavior.

"Did he tell you, when he comes back?" Stuart's father asked next.

"No, he did not." Richard looked down.

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