Chapter 15 (Nothing Really Matters)

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Richard closed the door behind him as he stepped in the room Paul was hospitalized. He could hear the light jazz music feeling the air, lightening up the moods with the solo the saxophone had. Paul himself, was sitting on the bed, staring out of the window at the crowded streets.

"Mr McCartney?" he asked in a low voice, not meaning to disturb him from his daze.

"I'm sorry if it is too loud. I asked the nurse and she said it was fine." he spoke in a monotone.

"No, it's alright really." Richard made the decision and walked up to Paul's bed. He sat on the chair besides, crossed his legs and looked at him.

Paul gazed at him as well in less than a moment. He looked surprised. The man sitting there did not seem more than a couple of years older than him. He did not seem like he belonged there, as a doctor that is. But since he walked in the professional way he did and the composed look he had and since no one could visit him at this hour, he supposed he was one of the psychiatrists. Like Stuart.

"So Paul, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright." he answered softly. Richard did not have a clue about what to do. How to start a conversation with a man he hardly knew. Only from John's stories did he know Paul as a man and not a study in psychiatry.

"This is all a little complicated, don't you think?" he almost slapped himself for saying that out of all the ways to start a talk but what was said couldn't change.

"You tell me. I still don't understand a thing." Richard waited for him to go on.

The door opened slightly and inside stepped Jane. She looked at the two of them and looked down as she walked at their place to check Paul's blood pressure and change the serum.

When she left Paul couldn't help but ask.

"Who is she?"

"Jane Asher. A training nurse." Richard answered not fully expecting a question like this. After all, he did not know the girl, did he. "She just started her studies at the university and works here three days a week."

"Is she from Blackpool?"

"Yes, I think so."

"And who are you?" Paul raised an eyebrow.

"Richard Starkey. I'm nineteen and currently studying psychiatry. I work here as a training doctor until I get my degree. We learn from the elders."

Paul nodded shortly, and leaned his head back on the head frame of the bed. He looked at the man in front of him once and frowned, considering whether to ask furthermore or not.

"You know you can ask me anything, right?" Richard spoke as if reading Paul's exact thoughts. Paul smiled in appreciation and thankfulness, before clearing his throat and spoke again.

"I know I've been explained before, but how did I end up here? I cannot make any sense out of this."

Richard sat up on straighter. He felt like a father getting ready to tell his child a fairytale story. He cleared his throat.

"Your father came in contact with the bosses here and this clinic, half a year ago. He had told us about you hallucinating. After the needed questions we knew what was the case. It is something well known for, in schizophrenia that it shows itself when the person is in their teens and not before that, so it was not difficult to suspect. We had to know what you did though from a very close perspective. We had to know how you think, how you act and what you see and hear that other people can't." Richard paused to look at Paul's confused face. He stared at Richard blankly for a moment until telling his to continue.

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