Chapter 17 (When The Sun Goes Down)

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It had been less than a week since Paul's hallucinations had officially stopped. The new pills were doing a good work to his system and he felt a lot of better than the first days he took them.

In the beginning he would not be able to sleep for more than four hours per day. He felt weak and the need of food had reduced as well.

They had told him that these new pills were very strong and these were common side effects.

And after all these years, he actually felt like other people. Normal.

He was normal but somehow it hurt him. He was no longer the boy with the charisma. On the other hand, he now was the sick boy who was attended by psychiatrists and therapists all day long.

He was alone and locked in a wide room, apart from the rest of the world. He had not even been out for more than a week. He had not seen his family and friends, or in fact, any familiar faces from the outside world apart from the doctors and the nurses.

The only thing that triggered his interest these days were the little device on the bedside table besides him. Listening to music was the only thing he liked doing in his room. He had learnt the whole jazz program by heart by now and hummed along the melody.

Alice had also been a great company to Paul. She would visit him in his room whenever her shift was over. Paul appreciated that even though she had the chance to go home earlier and see her children and husband, she would choose to stay a little longer to discuss with the much younger boy. She had told him that he reminded her of her youngest son, Peter.

The fifty year old woman would stay and talk to him, let him take it all out, his thoughts, his worries or anything.

She knew how it felt like to be left alone, without anyone to talk to and socialize. The boy was mentally sick but he had the need to be in contact with other people. After all, his family was not supposed to visit the boy for a week or so. She would not have that.


John looked down at his feet. He was going to do it. No more procrastinating. He was outside Paul's door and his hand was hanging in the air, ready to knock the door.

It was going to be difficult, and the outcome might be worse than he expected, but he had to tell him. Also, he craved to see him. He had missed him badly, since he only heard of him and how he did, but never saw him, afraid of Paul seeing his as well.

But now was the time for the truth to be revealed and before John could reconsider his actions and go back to the laboratories like the coward he was, he knocked the door loud enough to be heard.


The door was knocked thrice and Paul smiled as he checked the hour. This should be Alice. She was earlier than the usual, but who else could visit at this hour in the evening? He shrugged it off and answered.

"Come in."

The door opened slightly and hesitantly. The person would not reveal itself though and stayed behind. Paul frowned.

"Are you alright Alice? Something's wrong?"

"It's not Alice Paul," spoke a deep raspy voice, making Paul shudder. But as the figure walked in the room and lifted his head shuddering was not the only thing Paul felt. The air was knocked out of his lungs and all of a sudden he felt dizzy as he looked in the boy's almond shaped eyes.


"Missed me?"

"How are you here? I'm not supposed to be seeing you."

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