Chapter 19 (God Only Knows)

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John sat down on his and Stuart's old couch in their apartment in London. The house definitely needed to be cleaned but John could not care less at the current moment. It could wait until the other day.

The meeting was arranged for tomorrow morning. He would show the patients' papers, and with the other doctors they would analyze the cases. John knew how these meetings went on, his father had educated him from a very young just to be ready to take on the business. John had grown up to be a doctor. He, as a child was not supposed to have dreams for his future. He was meant to be a psychiatrist like his father. Take on the family's business. There were times it even occurred his mind that he was born just to continue his father's job and keep the name 'Lennon' in its high in the world of psychiatry for as long as it was possible.

He looked once more at the papers he had prepared for the next day. He flipped the pages quickly checking once more what he was going to show the others in the congress. His father had collected only the most interesting cases they had in the care centre. The analysis of each was written by his father and John was supposed to present them to the other doctors and the superiors. John sighed as he reminded himself that this was just the first day of the seminars. He had already started feeling regret over his quick decision but there was nothing he could do about it now.

He stopped as he noticed Paul's folder among others. He pondered over it for a minute. He looked at the boy's picture and felt immersed by those hazel eyes again. They were so innocent, so naive. Paul had been right. To them, the doctors, he was an experiment, a pigment. Another patient who didn't count as human being. He was the boy with schizophrenia. Nothing less, nothing more.

John's eyes lit up in delight as an idea occurred him. He beamed at the paper with Paul's photo and caressed it lightly. He was crazy. He knew that the idea was stupid. It was true though, that when John Lennon had something in mind no one could change it. John separated Paul's photo from the folder, took it in his hands and placed it on his nightstand safely.

He then stood up with McCartney's folder in his hands, walked over the fireplace and before he could think more about it and feel regret, he threw the papers in the fire. He saw them dancing as they changed color and the fire burned them whole. In less than a minute there was nothing left from that case. He would not present it. Others did not need to know about Paul. They had already harmed him enough. And as he admired the fire illuminating any signs of the folder he made a vow to himself and the photo on the nightstand. He would not let anyone hurt nor use Paul again and in the end he would win back his trust no matter what.


Paul walked in Dr. Robert's room and sat down on his usual seat waiting for him to appear anytime soon.

As if on cue Dr. Robert walked in with a bright smile plastered on his face. The man, was around his late forties and though at first Paul thought him as distant, he was proven wrong as Dr. Robert was a nice and understanding man, with a great sense of humor.

"Good morning Paul. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm good thank you. And you?"

"I'm alright. How are you dealing with the medication? Any misfactions?"

"No. It works fine." the doctor smiled and checked Paul's folder with the notes about him. Dr. Lennon had made him Paul's therapist a week ago and he was still trying to learn about the boy. He checked the notes of Dr. Sutcliffe's and looked back at Paul.

"Have you experienced any illusions lately."

Paul shook his head, "No sir. I haven't had such in a month."

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