Chapter 7 (Hard Feelings)

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Paul had already packed his bag with the necessary for the weekend, from the previous night, being unable to sleep over his excitement. He and John would meet this morning in the cemetery at nine sharply. They would leave for the train-station right after and they would arrive in Blackpool by the afternoon. And then, according to their plans, they would wait till the sun went down and they would go to the house they were supposed to.

He closed the door behind him, after saying goodbye and reassuring his father he would be back on time, and walked towards the cemetery.

"Hey Paulie." John spoke in a raspy voice as he saw the young man approaching his tomb. Paul smiled at him and waved his hand.

"Ready for today?" he asked and stood up.

"I was born to be ready. Let's go now, shall we."

"We shall." John found himself grinning back at his friend, even though he was beyond worried, Paul would not know that.

After a while they found themselves on the train, as they took their seats. They stood for a while enjoying the view from the big window but eventually got bored. Paul flew his book open. He knew better than start talking to John. He read over the pages absently. He had read the book far too many times to bother. He even knew some lines by heart. It was not like he was a book lover, more likely the opposite, but this very book was something else. He had read it countless times, and as a result the pages had turned yellowish and started falling apart. He had dressed it in leather cover to save it from getting damaged.

"How to kill a mockingbird? I'm thrilled Paulie. Didn't know you were into classical literature. I like it, although I prefer Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde." John spoke nonchalant. Paul nodded shortly and focused back on his book making John confused, thinking he had said something wrong or did something that annoyed him. The realization hit him soon enough as he remembered people were sitting near. He grinned from ear to ear.

"Ah, I see. You know what? This should be fun. And I was wondering how two hours and half would pass by. I can say anything I want and you won't be able to speak. Evil right?" John knew that if he pressed the right buttons he would indeed make him mad. Paul huffed in annoyance and chose to ignore him once more.

John whistled happily and in a shift movement he closed the book on Paul's hands, making him jolt from his seat with a gasp and as a result the book landed on the train's floor. He shot John a dirty look before bending down to pick it. A look saying to fuck off and leave him be.

"Paul, Paulie, Paul?" John spoke in a sultry, raspy voice behind his ear, making Paul shift and trying to suppress his face from flashing red scarlet.

"Why are you ignoring me Paulie?"

"Shut up John." Paul murmured.

"Nope, I never shut up. You should know that by now." he smirked.

"You know what? I start feeling your murderers. Can't blame them." he spoke in a slow, quiet voice while looking outside the window as not to draw any further attention.

"Oi! That was very low. Even for you McCartney. Shame on you! I'm offended." John gasped in mock pain.

"Paul?" one more time wouldn't hurt, John thought.

"You're a pain in the arse Lennon."

"Girls have told me before. I know." and that was the last stroke making Paul widen his eyes in shock and cough, fighting back the urge to smack the man beside him knowing it would be pointless.

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