Chapter 14 (When All Is Said And Done)

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"How is my son doing Mr Lennon?" Jim asked in worry, Michael standing close to him, still not able to possess what he was hearing.

He had returned home from the café, seeing his father waiting outside, ordering him to let his bag in the house quickly and get in the car. On the ride there he was partly explained the situation and it was, in a polite way to say it, preposterous.

How could he have not known anything before? According to what his father had told him, while waiting for the traffic light to turn green, his older brother and late mother were mentally sick. He hadn't been told much, for his father stopped talking being as confused as Michael himself was.

"At the moment he's sleeping. We drugged him so his nerves could relax. He had a breakdown you see."

"If you don't mind my asking sir, what are you going to do next?" Jim asked worried, resting his one hand on his youngest son's shoulder who was only gaping at the two older men discussing. Alfred nodded at Jim and sighed.

"We are going to start the medication as soon as possible. That is tomorrow morning. We will also, have therapists and we will keep an eye on him constantly until we see he gets better."

"And how long will it take until he gets better?"

"That could take a couple of months or maybe more. The pills and these methods we are going to use on your son are quite new. But the illusions will stop during the first week of medication. That is if he takes it well and helps us also."

"Is he ever going to be completely cured?" Michael looked at him, feeling his father's hands trembling.

"I'm afraid not Mr. McCartney. It is not a sure thing. Some people can be cured to an extended level but some others, let's say the medication just doesn't work on them. Once they reduce the doses, they have to start all over again. There could also be side effects with the pills he'll be taking, I'm not going to lie to you sir. They can have the exact opposite effect on him. Like worsen things, make him a maniac, but I highly doubt. Paul's very young and I believe the therapy will work on him."

Jim's eyes expressed fear and agony. What if things did not work well After all? What if he lost Paul as well as he lost Mary? No, he couldn't take that. He could not lose two family members. He should have tried harder with Mary. Make her go to see a doctor and not listen to her when she said she was fine. He could have saved her too. But then again, he was reminded that the illness had nothing to do with the reason his beloved wife died.

"Doctor, can I go see my son please?" he regained his composure again and spoke in a steady voice.

"You can go see him, yes, but please do not wake him up. He needs rest." Jim and Michael nodded quickly before following the young girl who showed up after Alfred's call to lead them to Paul's room. They passed the corridors, when Jim just spotted an all too familiar face.

"John Lennon, am I wrong? I was just speaking to your father." he faked a smile at the young boy.

John smiled kindly and stretched his hand to shake it, feeling quite nervous, all of a sudden seeing James McCartney, Paul's father. The man did not seem to like him much. Well, who could blame him?

"I see you changed your outfit?"

"Well, I'm at work Mr McCartney, aren't I?" he half smiled, looking down at his dark blue jeans and white shirt, all this covered by a white dressing gown.

"Right. You no longer are in your disguise, are you son?" the older man noted bitterly.

John felt the stinging feeling in his stomach again. Why was there always someone to remind him of what he had done?

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