Chapter 18 (This boy)

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Paul and George spent the forthcoming hours talking about the John guy, whose story confused George to no end and tried to not lose his train of thoughts as the whole thing became more and more complicated than before. Paul had begun his narration from the moment he met John for the first time on his house's roof in a late afternoon months ago, to the moment when he was told the truth about him.

"You are trying to tell me, that John was not a ghost as you thought he was." Paul murmured something like 'spirit' to correct him but George ignored it. The older of the two nodded.

"And he is real and actually he is one of the doctors here?"

"Training doctor. His father is one of the bosses in this care centre."

"Like Richard."

"They are good pals yes." he rolled his eyes, "I can't understand how a guy like Richard is friends with this scum."

"Maybe he is a not a scum in the first place."

"Whose side are you with? He lied to me. He fooled me into believing he was someone he was not."

"You have every right to be mad at him. And I don't even know the guy but he surely deserves a good slap on the face, but don't you think he cares? Come to think about it he came here to explain and apologize to you. Why else would he do that?"

"To feel better and have his conscious clear." George looked at Paul who had started playing with his thumbs and was looking down trying to think of a good point. He grinned. He knew this Paul.

"What about you then?" he asked and smiled. Paul looked up confused.

"What about me?"

"Try to tell me you don't care about him."

"I don't"


"What?" he asked irritated.

"You are lying my friend. I can see it." he smirked as the boy shook his head, "Your nose is getting bigger." he laughed. Paul scoffed at the old joke but not before touching subconsciously his nose to check.

"Look me in the eye and say it then."

"George this is stupid. I am not a child."

"I doubt it." he laughed as Paul grew mad at him.

"I hate you." he sat up and looked at George. His gaze burnt holes on the other's skin as he spoke the next words as quiet as he could master.

"I do. I care about him and I want him here with me. But what he did was really bad and this does not change the fact that he made me lose the trust I had on him."

George nodded and leaned in closer and closed the gap between them with a comforting hug.

"I know Paulie. Don't push him away again though. That is if he tries to win you back again. Which I don't doubt he will." he rubbed his back, "Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend. Don't do something you will regret alright?"

They pulled away briefly and gazed at each other. Paul nodded, earning himself a dazzling smile of George's and rested his head on the other's shoulder.

"Thank you."


"And you told him just like that?" Richard asked John and took a ship from his beer.

"Was there any other option?" John snapped and glared at Stuart again, who stood at the end of the pub with that German girl named Astrid on his lap. The guy would look down at her and as she smiled he would brighten up as well, occasionally kissing her cheek and hugging her closer. John couldn't help the pang of jealousy rising up on his chest. Why did he always end up being the lonely one?

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