introduction // stammering love

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welcome to stammering love

enjoy the experience

savour the ride

here is what most people don't understand about stuttering.

some people believe that if you stutter, you're just shy or anxious.

but not in patricks case. you see, ever since patrick could talk, he always pronounced words slowly.

now, all grown up, patrick developed a full-on stutter, which caused people to berate him constantly. the teasing did poke some holes in his self-esteem, but not enough to really damage him.

does patrick wish he could change? of course not.

but as always, life could change as fast as a flip of a coin.

"patrick, what would you like to order?" ryan asked as patricks head snapped up from looking at the menu as the whole table looked at him expectantly.

today, the group of high school junior friends-- which consisted of ryan, brendon, josh, ray, patrick, mikey, and hayley--- decided to dine at red robin for their 2 1/2 year friendship anniversary, exclusively using ryan's paycheque to pay for dinner.

"i'll j-just get wherever y-you're getting." he finished with a proud smile as he sipped the cold, ice water in front of him.

pete slowly wrote down patricks order on his notepad with a ballpoint pen, leaving the table with a quick "i'll be back with your order" and a cheeky smile.

"he must be the most patient waiter i've seen hands down" brendon said, slamming his hands down on the table for added effect.

"right, pattycakes?" brendon snickered, hoping patrick would be affected by his words.

patricks lips slowly left his straw, as he smiled at brendons 'joking' words.

secretly, patrick and brendon hated each other, acting only as friends to please ryan. the feud started freshman year, when patrick 'accidentally' slapped brendon in the cafeteria for mocking his condition. the 'accidental slaps' shared between the two ended in them both being suspended for a day. but again, they only acted as friends to make ryan happy. it was actually working quite well so far.

onlooking, curious faces then turned into the rest of the group anxiously playing with their forks and fingers, awaiting their food, as they talked amongst themselves once again.

everyone continued conversation except for patrick, as he just pulled out his phone and kept himself busy with it under the table. bike ride by the neighbourhood played softly in the background, making patrick smile softly.


more chapters soon to come

hope you enjoyed the introduction

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EDIT 8/22/17: (-meadowpatrick- i changed patricks stammer a 'lil bit, so don't be worried.)

EDIT 9/11/17: -meadowpatrick - i changed who sang bike ride wops

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