chapter six // calm before the storm

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Tyler's POV

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Tyler's POV.

"we need to talk." zack demanded, pushing his way through the tiny crack in my door.

"this isn't the time, zack." he stopped in the middle of my room, as he took note of the surroundings. he looked at the disarray of clothes, the torn and crumpled papers, and broken pencils, taking them in one by one.

"tyler, did you-?"

"i don't need your pity, zack." but he still pitied me, of course. it was obvious.

his eyes, a golden-brown like mine, weren't shining like they usually were. to put it simply, he seemed scared.

scared that his older brother was a maniac.

or scared that word would get out. word that his brother was a freak.

"tyler, look," he walked towards me and sat on the edge of my bed. "i love you, and i just want you to be okay. just- whatever you're going through right now, i'm gonna help you get through it. and if not me, someone else. anyone."

for a second I believed him. for just a moment, it felt genuine. and maybe he really did care about me, but what does that matter if i don't care about me?

it didn't matter because i destroyed everything that they loved about me. it didn't matter because i ruined everything that mattered.

"do you even understand what i go through, zack?" he paused and stuttered like a broken record. "i don't, but i can learn, ty."

"this isn't just some... pity party, zack."

"i-i know that, i'm not act-"

"i know exactly what you're thinking, zack." i said, interrupting him. "my brother is a delusional shit. my brother is a freak. he isn't normal." he seemed betrayed. seemed. "ty, that's not true."

"i don't want your pity. your forgiveness, your sadness, and those stupid pills."

"they're supposed to help. to make you you, ty."

"what's good help if you're not looking for any, zack?" i picked up one of the many broken pencils on the ground, as i also picked up a roll of tape.

"you see this, zack?" he nodded weakly, confused of my point.

"you can tape this pencil any way you want..." i started to unroll the tape, fixing it around the pencil. "...but no matter how hard you try, it will never be the same."

salty drops cascaded down his face.

"this isn't easy on me, ty. on anyone." he said. i smiled weakly.

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