chapter seventeen // tears to diamonds

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Tyler's POV

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Tyler's POV.

three steady knocks sounded at the door, making my heart leap furiously.

"i'll get it!" zack yelled, rushing down the stairs, and opening the door forcefully. a familiar voice sounded from outside before my stomach elicited in butterflies and my cheeks burned with giddiness.

zack ran back upstairs as josh chimed in, and sat next to me on the couch, albeit i was still immobile.

"hey," he said cooly, his eyes boring into mine.

"hi," i reply, voice shaky. he looks around.

"so, what's up?" he asks.

"not much."

his smile grew slightly; he chuckled playfully, and absentmindedly (or mindedly) scooted closer to me on the couch. the movement made my heart rate increase, and i felt my hands sweating.

"i wanted to surprise you with something, but i didn't know what to get..." he laughed to himself once more, flashing his teeth at me gracefully. "...i was thinking we could- i don't know- get to know each other?"

a date, possibly. his eyes met mine once more, making my cheeks strawberry red. my mouth finally caught up with my thoughts, as i squeaked out sheepishly: "a date?"

he nodded, his cheeks matching mine and his smile growing. "i mean, if marcus doesn't mind, then of course!"

i look down at my lap, clasping both hands together. my eyebrows furrowed and my smile faltered as i remembered the quick lie i told him.

"so, will you go on a date with me?" he asked finally, smiling a great big smile at me.

i nodded furiously, and slowly matched his glowing smile. i felt happy at this moment. not a fake happy- no; but rather a real happy. one without the help of pills.

"yes, of course. i would really love to. i would love to date you and know you and-"

"i'll see you on saturday." he kissed my nose, making my face burn with love for josh dun.

i put both hands on his cheeks and squished them, feeling his soft skin beneath my palms. he smiles, and i smile back.

"you can kiss me if you'd like," he whispered, his cheeks still smooshed between my hands. like clockwork, our hands moved simultaneously: mine to his orange locks, and his to my waist.

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