chapter sixteen // hard times

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Patrick's POV

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Patrick's POV.

"that did not count," hayley said shoving half a sandwich into her mouth. behind her, zoe costell walked by, hands tightly wrapped around a book pressed against her chest. her curly black hair hung just past her shoulders. i shift my eyes to her, then back to hayley.

"it was not fair. y'all scammed me."

"the only scam here, miss williams, is that you won't wear a banana costume and let us hang your fetus pictures around the school," mikey snorted. hayley pouted.

the sun was setting, lazily spilling orange onto the pavement outside my house. it's weekends like this where it's nice to just not give a shit. easy atmosphere surrounded the air.

"he's right hayleyyyyyy~" josh cooed.

"hey fuck you."

"w-w-well, t-to b-be fair, w-w-we d-d-did make her d-do it." i butted in.

josh gasped before covering my mouth with his hands. "dont say such words, patty! she might get an idea."

"well, he's not wrong." she smiled that smile. the one where you can see that she knows she's right. i can't help but laugh.

everything was comfortingly childish.

mikey laughed and playfully pushed josh, mumbling something about how we were kind of right and how it kind of didn't count. we just let it go. at the end the day, we don't really care. it was 6:30, and everyone headed home. i stayed outside to look at the stars until my mother called me inside for dinner.

"so..." my mom said quietly, wiggling her eyebrows with a proud smile. "do you have something to tell me?"

i looked at my dad, silently pleading for help. he instead decided to stuff his mouth with mashed potatoes, as he averted his eyes and tried to hold back a chuckle.

"w-what am i-i supposed to b-be telling you?" i asked, my feet tapping the wooden floor, and my fingers bouncing anxiously on my lap.

"do you know a boy named pete?" she asked, making me almost choke on my food.

i stare at her like a deer in the headlights, with wide eyes unmoving. how could she possibly have known? well, the thing is, it's not exactly a problem because my mom and dad are wildly accepting and supportive. but still. my dad's smile grows wider from the other side of the table.

"so there is a boy, huh?" he chuckles after swallowing.

"u-uh." i place both hands on the table, "ahaha. w-w-well..."

"sweet ol' jason from next door told me he saw you pass by with some boy with you, holding your hand. says he's a good man, and smart, too. works as a waiter from, where was that? red robin?" he tells me. i nod. "haha! what a catch, pat! also heard he was kinda odd. apparently, ol' jason knew him when he was still a sweet little boy. used to make him cookies every weekend, he told me. he better treat you right, hun. don't want you runnin' in here cryin'."

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