July 9th 2017 3:43 am

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i can't go to sleep, which is completely normal. but i have been thinking for a while, now here's a life lesson i hope you might learn someday, or now. but if you ever see someone having trouble or they seem to be crying, please help them. i know, one in and a half month after school ends i'm now saying this. well, what brought me to this thought on the first place? my yearbook that sits on my bed everyday. and why am i saying this, though i'm sure you'll forget within the next three hours? i don't know. but that was me for the past four school years. yes, i actually cried quite a lot in school, that's one reason i like long hair, it can cover your eyes fairly easily. so no one saw my tears when i cried, hiding all evidence. and yes i had a lot of trouble as well during the past how ever long years it's been. and no one ever gave a crap. until the end of last year. why the end? it couldn't have been the begining of the year instead? another thing i ought to say is that within the coming year, maybe two years, i might get a phone. like a smart phone or whatever it's called. not apple, everyone here hates apple. so i think it might be a samsung phone. not the newest phone, well not for me anyway. just thought i could say. *gasp* i can write on the go without this crappy tablet, yes! i mean i'll still keep this thing for other things, but still not have kore than three downloaded apps, other wise it will never be responsive, at all. it's only been what 17 minutes and this thing jumped from 40% battery to 10%. this this damned thing is nothing but crap. battery has always sucked. internet capabilities never moved from never loads. and memory was filled wince the begining. this thing is crap.

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