May 23rd 2017 3:28 pm

65 0 0

For once I'm glad to be in my bed. Well time to only listen to one song and fall asleep to it. Yeah. That my plan at least. Just sleep

I hate it when my tablet slips out of my hands and instantly push the publish button. That's happened a few times and I left it like that. So for the first time I'm going to say this one thing to my tablet. Ahem... I really do hate you. There done. Now that will forever be in this things memory, well if it did track that at least. I'm tired. Turn on On My Own and sleep

I hate it when I black out during my writing then things change. First of all I didn't want to...
I really do hate Evil Kevin. Well time to change the name of this book and the cover.

Ten minutes later

There that's better

The Life of Me pt.1Where stories live. Discover now