Boy Meets Girl. Rock-star Meets Fan. Nick Meets Jillian. Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 (Jillian's POV)

As I sat on my bed staring blankly at my AS psychology revision book, I started to think about the date. A whole year had passed since leaving school & this time last year I was in the midst of my GCSE's. I can't remember what I was thinking at this exact moment in time 365 days ago but I think I can imagine... it would have been 6th June 2009, only days away until I saw the Jonas Brothers live at Wembley on the 15th June! I had waited months for that day & the wait was worth it.. it was one of THE best days of my life! Now a year later... I sat worrying about university! I was only at school last year! I turned to my ever faithful macbook to check my twitter, as I read over the past few tweets I focused in on Nick's post from only days ago... 'First day of rehearsals!' it read... Nick Jonas was in the UK, England's great capital, London. I lived only an hours drive away & I couldn't shake the feeling of knowing that he's so close. I wanted it to meet him so bad... as I read over my tweets, the page refreshed, a new tweet... Nick Jonas.. on a TWITTER SPREE!

"Yes! I can try & talk to him again!" I accidently shouted out loud. I hoped I hadn't woken my dad or brother. I replied to him, time after time, question after question, dreading the moment where he decided to end the twit spree... I hoped, I waited, I kept refreshing his twitter.. but no, disappointment again.

'Alright everyone that was fun! Thanks so much. Have a good one.' his last tweet read. I replied knowing he would not see, 'sleep well :)' It wasn't his fault he didn't reply to me so I'd never get annoyed about it like some do. I guess he only sees a selection of the thousands of posts updating every minute. He still hadn't noticed me though. I knew it was impossible, even if he did reply, I'm just another girl out of millions, he'd never really know ME. I was sure if he did we'd actually get on quite well, but alas, I can only dream. I thought to myself how much I dread the day he leaves the UK, how I envy the girls who have met him. I could hear the clock ticking in my head, time flying by till the day he flies to... well, wherever he heads to next on his crazy schedule.. wow how he copes I have no idea. Sometimes I wonder how he's going to find his future partner, his future wife.. she'll be a lucky girl. I know by that time I'll realize it's done, it's over & I'd have to stop thinking about him so much. Okay, I know I sound like a stalker but seriously I'm not that bad! Occasionally though, I can be but hey I'm a girl! A girl can dream.

23.49 the corner of my laptop read. Time for bed.. I wondered what tomorrow would bring as I shut my computer down. I wondered where I'd be next year.

Boy Meets Girl. Rock-star Meets Fan. Nick Meets Jillian.Where stories live. Discover now