Boy Meets Girl. Rock-star Meets Fan. Nick Meets Jillian. Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 (Jillian's POV)

London continued...

I was right. So was my Mum. I did end up on Oxford Street. In Topshop to be more precise. I could live in there, so many clothes, all different, in shape, colour, so much choice & variety, with one important thing in common, it was all fashionable. High fashion even. If you were looking for something outrageous, go to Topshop & you can NOT go wrong. No one can criticize you in it. Sure it could be expensive, but the experience, magical! My mum thought the clothes were too expensive for the material that was used but I think she was just glad I had moved on from the Abercrombie & Hollister phase. Sure they had nice clothes, but it was ALL the same, red, white, navy, grey & sandy colours. Don't get me wrong, I still wear it sometimes. But it all looks the same.

I finally left the shop & as I walked down the packed street, I just wanted a moment of quiet to myself, to enjoy my own company, a park maybe? I turned off a the main street down an alleyway which looked promising & I found myself alone. I know I had asked for quiet but this was TOO quiet. It felt like one of those movies where someone was going to jump out, but I told myself to stop being so stupid, that doesn't happen in real life! I was safe.. I turned a corner, I was getting pretty lost now. Then I saw some older guys walking towards me... I held my breath as I tried to hear their conversation as they continued to advance towards me.

"Alright darling?" One of them called.

"Nawh someone looks a little bit lost. Need some help love?"

"Whats your name?" The third droned.

I started to walk backwards, and began to pull my phone out of my pocket to call someone, ANYONE. I looked down, no reception. This is not good.

"Ooo flashy phone, I could do with one of em." One of the guys said to his friend. There were 3 of them. I felt sick to my stomach. I continued to walk backwards, gaining speed as they came closer.

"Come talk with us love. We won't hurt you." I stayed silent. "Not going to say anything are we? I'm sure we can change that."

I finally decided to speak. "Go away!" I shouted.

They laughed and imitated my voice back.

"I really wouldn't get any closer if I were you, I know people around here.." I attempted to threaten them.

"As do we love, as do we.. Haven't you heard dear, this is OUR area & we've never seen someone so.. wow.. around here." The tallest responded. "Grab her!" He shouted.

Then I knew that was it, I felt the adrenaline pumping. In that fraction of a second I remembered my psychology about the flight or fight response when immediate, or acute, stressors hit you. Crazy I would think about my exams at a time like this? So which would it be? Fight or flight?

Flight it is. I turned around & began to ran. I turned a corner but still heard their shouts & the soles of their feet as they ran after me. I was too scared to turn ,y head back to see where they were. I tried to keep turning corners to confuse them but I just couldn't run fast enough! I turned another corner & decided to look behind me, as I did... BANG. I had hit something.

(to be continued..)

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